Stay up-to-date and learn – the Vivaldi technology section has news, trends, and studies from the web and the real world.

Ad blockers or not – your choice matters
June 4, 2019
Recently, Google announced a change to Chromiums’s extensions system that would disable the API which makes it possible to block ads. Here’s what we think.

Meet you in Reykjavík
May 23, 2019
It’s been a busy week at our office in Iceland where the team is hosting two W3C events for the Technical Architecture Group.

A Windows 10 bug: The back story
April 30, 2019
Recently, we reported a huge Windows 10 performance issue to Chromium. They discovered that the problem was caused by a Windows security feature that is useful for protecting applications like a browser.

Down to Earth
April 21, 2019
On April 22, 1970, millions of people protested the negative impact of industrial development. Almost 50 years later, we’ve turned to technology to solve the Earth’s most urgent problems.

One library to rule them all
March 22, 2019
Oslo Public Library is Norway’s oldest and largest public library. Now you’ll find Vivaldi installed on their public terminals.

Building browsers! #Web30
March 12, 2019
As the World Wide Web turns 30, we ask one of its pioneers – Vivaldi founder Jon von Tetzchner – to take us back to his early days of building web browsers.

The Web: 30 years of history, challenges and change
March 11, 2019
The web started thirty years ago when a young British software engineer called Tim Berners-Lee invented a system for scientists to share information. Here we add some little known bits of history to the puzzle.

It takes a village
March 8, 2019
On International Women’s Day, we catch up with Anne Christiansen, Vivaldi’s Head of Office HR & Culture.

It’s time to take control! Your browser matters!
January 2, 2019
Here we give you a few irresistible reasons to make the move in 2019.

Emoji – the global pop stars of digital communication
December 6, 2018
Love ‘em or hate ‘em, they have certainly changed the way we communicate. What are emoji and how do they work in Vivaldi? Let’s find out.

A blue beanie for Blue Beanie Day
November 30, 2018
As technology changes, it becomes all the more important that the basics of the web remain the same. Today we remind ourselves why Web Standards matter.

On the road again: Vivaldi’s Iceland meetup and Web Summit 2018
November 20, 2018
Vivaldi CEO Jon von Tetzchner recounts his travels this Fall, to a Vivaldi team meetup in Iceland and his appearance at Europe’s largest tech conference, Web Summit.