Vivaldi Blog

Vivaldi Browsercast: The fight to keep the web open (Part 2)
August 2, 2016
In our second Browsercast, Molly and Jon dive deeper into the topic of open standards and why no one should “own” the web.

Happy SysAdmin Day!
July 28, 2016
It’s that time of year again – to all you SysAdmin out there, happy Systems Administrators Day! That’s right, the yearly holiday of SysAdmin Day is here. Founded in 1999, this year marks the 17th annual SysAdmin Day

Tiago from Rio de Janeiro and his Vivaldi FC team
July 25, 2016
We continue our look into how Vivaldi is being used by people in various parts of the world. We like to share user profiles at Vivaldi, not only because we are interested in everyone’s success, but also because we ourselves learn a lot about how folks interact with Vivaldi, and how we can make it better based on the advice of our friends.

Summertime Fun and Vivaldi User Reviews
July 20, 2016
Hi everyone! We hope that everyone in the northern hemisphere is enjoying this beautiful summer weather! Summer means vacation for most but for us at Vivaldi, we are working hard to incorporate your suggestions and fulfill the goals of our next release.

Vivaldi Browsercast: One Size Does Not Fit All! (Part 1)
July 15, 2016
Welcome to the first edition of the Vivaldi Browsercast!

Contest results for #vivaldifootball: And the winners are…
July 12, 2016
We’re so impressed with all the creative themes that you sent to us! Thank you! It’s amazing to see how you’ve made Vivaldi into your own, personal browser.

Use Vivaldi Browser to root for your favorite country in UEFA Euro 2016
July 2, 2016
Want to win some Vivaldi swag? Get your creative juices flowing and show your country’s colors with Vivaldi themes.

Student and Teacher Work Together to Install Vivaldi
June 27, 2016
Mateus and his teacher Francisco José Quesada González talk about installing Vivaldi in the classroom and how the new browser inspired ideas and exploration.

10 Lifehacks for the Vivaldi Browser
June 24, 2016
Ten little-known lifehacks that will help you get the most out of your new browser.

A private investigator’s case – Solved!
June 14, 2016
We’re adding a new category to our blog and sharing stories from members of Vivaldi’s community. Today we’re publishing the story from Bruce (also known as ayespy in Vivaldi’s Forum and in the comments), who has helped many of us.

Thank you! Tusen takk! Herzlichen Dank! Merci! Grazie mille! Obrigado! Muchas gracias!
June 7, 2016
We have just released 1.2 and we are proud of the feedback we continue to get from all of you. Thank you! Tusen takk! Herzlichen Dank! Merci! Grazie mille! Obrigado! Muchas gracias!