Stay up-to-date and learn – the Vivaldi technology section has news, trends, and studies from the web and the real world.

It’s time to do the right thing, Microsoft
January 24, 2017
The issue with Windows 10 upgrade resetting the default browser to Edge is a known one, and a lot has been said about it previously.

Unauthorized Vivaldi installers – help us find them
January 4, 2017
Hi folks and Happy New Year!
I’ve just joined Vivaldi as a developer and came across a curious issue – some websites distributing Vivaldi installers that have a potentially unwanted software.

My musings on Incredible India
December 9, 2016
India! Incredible India. It’s been close to three weeks since I came back from a long trip through this extraordinary country.

Get 10% off at the Vivaldi Store this Cyber Monday
November 28, 2016
Have you heard the news? Of course you have. It’s #CyberMonday! Today is the day to pick up those goodies which have been lingering on your wishlist this year.

One week with custom Vivaldi themes
August 18, 2016
The latest version of Vivaldi escalated customizations to another level. The new theme engine in 1.3 certainly gives you another reason to say “I browse the way I want to”

Vivaldi Browsercast: The making of the new theming engine (episode 3)
August 12, 2016
With the third episode of our Browsercast series, Vivaldi designer Henrik and QA engineer Ruarí talk about how they made the new theming engine for Vivaldi 1.3.

Vivaldi Browsercast: The fight to keep the web open (Part 2)
August 2, 2016
In our second Browsercast, Molly and Jon dive deeper into the topic of open standards and why no one should “own” the web.

Happy SysAdmin Day!
July 28, 2016
It’s that time of year again – to all you SysAdmin out there, happy Systems Administrators Day! That’s right, the yearly holiday of SysAdmin Day is here. Founded in 1999, this year marks the 17th annual SysAdmin Day

Vivaldi Browsercast: One Size Does Not Fit All! (Part 1)
July 15, 2016
Welcome to the first edition of the Vivaldi Browsercast!