Vivaldi Blog

Browser beatdown: Vivaldi vs Tesla
June 30, 2022
Elon Musk says Tesla’s browser is “trash”. Is he right? Let’s see how it compares to Vivaldi!

Good riddance, Internet Explorer!
June 16, 2022
Internet Explorer is dead. Microsoft started ringing the death knell for its old internet browser last year. Vivaldi browser co-founder and CEO Jon von Tetzchner remembers its controversial legacy and argues that its loss is not really a loss.

Don’t miss our Vivaldi Mail 1.0 livestream: June 23rd
June 14, 2022
Join Vivaldi on YouTube Live for a special livestream event to mark the launch of Vivaldi Mail 1.0.

Vivaldi Mail 1.0: A powerful email client built right into your browser.
June 9, 2022
Vivaldi differentiates itself from the browser pack with the launch of its new and powerful built-in mail client Vivaldi Mail, Vivaldi Calendar, and Vivaldi Feed Reader. Now available on your desktop and notebooks.

With Vivaldi & Polestar, browsing is powerful. And fun too!
June 1, 2022
From a command center to a front row seat, Vivaldi and Polestar take you there, with the world’s first live-streamed, in-car music festival. Read on to learn more.

Vivaldi on Android: Get ready to rename your Two-level Tab Stacks, search languages in dropdown menu, sync search engines, and more.
June 1, 2022
The new Vivaldi 5.3 on Android lets you rename and edit two rows of tab stacks, view tabs with the Address Bar swipe gesture, search languages in the dropdown Translate Panel menu, and sync search engines across devices. Download on your phones, tablets, and Chromebooks.

Vivaldi 5.3: Tweak and tune your browser with the new Editable Toolbars.
June 1, 2022
The new version of Vivaldi gives you full control over your toolbar layouts with Editable Toolbars, a new option to easily reset default browser settings and syncable search engine across devices. Download Vivaldi 5.3 now on your desktop and notebooks.

Ever get the feeling you’re being watched?
May 16, 2022
Protecting data privacy is not just about the data itself, but about the privacy – and freedom – of each person this data represents.

#behindVivaldibrowser with Mads Kommedal
May 13, 2022
In this series, we offer you a glimpse behind the scenes. Get to know more about our Vivaldi team!

May the 4th be with you!
May 4, 2022
We want to take a moment to wish our community a Happy Star Wars Day! And a special shout out to community member Eric for his “Jedi Master” theme.

How to make the switch to Vivaldi
April 26, 2022
If you are new to Vivaldi and unsure where to start, just follow these steps to get up and running.