Who on earth is Prebz (and why should you care)
March 31, 2021
Preben Fjell, also known as Prebz from the YouTube channel Prebz og Dennis has joined Vivaldi. Let’s meet him.

Looking for the best Android tablet browser? Meet Vivaldi.
February 19, 2021
The best browser for your new Android tablet may not be the default. Pre-installed browsers such as Google Chrome were not designed with tablets in mind.

5 signs it’s time to replace your browser
December 28, 2020
When it comes to switching browsers, breaking out of your comfort zone may be the biggest challenge.

Stay productive (and happy) with these 3 work from home tools
September 9, 2020
If not done right, working from home can hurt your productivity and wellbeing. Yet, using just these 3 tools will improve your productivity and make a difference to your day working from home. Let’s take a look.

12 apps for remote work that take privacy seriously
March 25, 2020
With Covid-19 on the rise, many organizations have asked their employees to work from home. Vivaldi’s privacy-conscious community suggests a few trusted apps for remote work.

When dating goes too far
February 25, 2020
Yep, we’re talking about the leap year! With 29 February coming up, we look at leap years, leap seconds and other date rollover issues that require complex programming solutions.

Vivaldi users overwhelmingly prefer private search engines
February 18, 2020
Many search engines aren’t private. They don’t point to the best search results either. In a survey, Vivaldi users say they prefer private search engines.

How we stand up to giants
January 27, 2020
Five years after we launched our first technical preview, we share how we forged our way in an industry dominated by giants.

Is Linux more secure than Windows?
January 22, 2020
While neither Linux or Windows can claim to be 100% bulletproof, the perceived wisdom is that Linux is more secure than Windows. We try to find out if that’s the case.

Why you should replace Windows 7 with Linux
November 27, 2019
In less than two months, Windows 7 will enter end of life. Here’s why you might want to replace it with Linux.

The first of many – Vivaldi Android Browser snapshot 1624.207
September 20, 2019
Today is the first ‘Snapshot’ update for our new Android browser, allowing you to try the latest fixes and changes before they hit Beta (and Final).

The Vivaldi community gets together in Istanbul
May 4, 2018
On Sunday, Vivaldi fans in Turkey will have the opportunity to meet Jon von Tetzcher for the first time. The community meet-up is organized by an amazing group of people, our Turkish volunteers. Let’s meet two of them.