Vivaldi Mobile RC 2 – Vivaldi Android Browser snapshot 1885.27

April 18, 2020

Today’s snapshot is the second release candidate for Vivaldi Mobile.

Vivaldi 3.0 RC 1 – Vivaldi Desktop Browser snapshot 1874.11

April 18, 2020

Today’s snapshot is the first release candidate for 3.0 for desktop and notebooks.

Vivaldi Mobile RC 1 – Vivaldi Android Browser snapshot 1885.24

April 17, 2020

Today’s second snapshot is the first release candidate for Vivaldi Mobile.

New features for Clock and Popout video – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 1874.7

April 17, 2020

Today’s snapshot includes new features for the clock and popout video, plus some address bar improvements.

Chromium update and further fixes – Vivaldi Android Browser snapshot 1885.6

April 17, 2020

Several fixes and a Chromium update in today’s snapshot.

Further popout video fixes – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 1874.5

April 16, 2020

Today’s snapshot includes a further fixes to the popout video and a minor update to Chromium.

Blocker polish – Vivaldi Android Browser snapshot 1884.17

April 16, 2020

Today’s snapshot features some more blocker fixes.

Popout video progress bar improvements – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 1874.3

April 15, 2020

Today’s snapshot includes a number of improvements to the Popout video progress bar and bumps the major version number to reflect the significant new features and changes, for our upcoming stable release.

Tracker and ads statistics, and automatic element hiding in the blocker – Vivaldi Android Browser snapshot 1882.3

April 15, 2020

This snapshot adds information for blocked ads and trackers to the shield icon popup, and automatically hides blocked elements.

Automatic element hiding in the blocker – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 1874.30

April 14, 2020

Blocked elements can sometimes leave pages looking incompletely loaded, so from this snapshot we attempt to hide elements broken by blocking rules. There is also a new silent update option for macOS.

Gamers! Stay Home And Game On!

April 14, 2020

Millions of people are staying at home using their browsers more than ever. Gamers, this week you can win exclusive Razer “Game On” posters. How? Read on!

Minor update(4) for Vivaldi Android Beta 2

April 7, 2020

This update upgrades Chromium to 80.0.3987.163 to address security issues from upstream.