Tip #579

View and manage all files you’ve uploaded to your blog on vivaldi.net from the same place.

Images, videos and other types of files can convey important information or just decorate your blog posts. On your blog on vivaldi.net you can manage all media files in the Media Library.

To access the Media Library:

  1. Go to your blog’s Dashboard (for example, by clicking on the blog’s name on the black menubar at the top of the blog).
  2. Click on “Media” in the menu on the left side.

In the Media Library, you can upload new files, as well as view, edit and delete existing files.

Vivaldi.net blog's Media Library open in Vivaldi Browser.

Tip #575

Review Vivaldi Social’s notification settings and filter out the ones you don’t care to see.

On Vivaldi Social, you have control over which notifications you’ll be alerted about. The rest can be put into their own folder or ignored altogether.

To review notification settings:

  1. On Vivaldi Social, go to Notifications > Show settings (top right corner of the middle panel).
  2. In the “Manage notifications from” section, choose whether you want to accept, filter, or ignore notifications from the following groups:
    • People you don’t follow
    • People not following you
    • New accounts
    • Unsolicited private mentions
    • Moderated accounts
Notification settings in Vivaldi Social.

Tip #569

Browse all topics you or another Vivaldi Community member has started on the Vivaldi Forum.

Are you looking for an old topic you started, or have you come across a forum user, who has started an interesting discussion, and you want to check out other topics they’ve created? There’s a page on the user’s profile, where you can view all topics in chronological order.

To view all user’s topics:

  1. Go to your own or another community member’s forum profile.
  2. Click on the blue circle with 3 dots on the right side.
  3. Select “Topics” from the menu.
User profile on the Forum. The profile's menu is open to show where user created topics can be found.

Tip #566

Hide posts from all users on a specific Mastodon instance.

When you notice that users on a particular Mastodon instance are posting content you don’t want to see or engage with, instead of muting or blocking users one by one, you can mute the whole instance.

To mute an entire Mastodon instance:

  1. Open the profile of one of the users on the instance.
  2. Click on the Menu button
  3. Select “Block domain [domain name]”.
  4. Confirm your decision by clicking “Block entire domain”.

Please note that this option hides the posts from you and removes followers from the instance, but users on the blocked instance, will still be able to see your posts.

Tip #561

Add hashtags to your Vivaldi Social posts to reach wider audiences.

In Tip #485 we suggested following hashtags to fill your timeline with content on topics that interest you. To make your own posts equally discoverable, make sure to include relevant hashtags within the post’s text or add them on a separate line at the end of the post.

To add a hashtag, type the # symbol followed by the word (without a space between), for example, #Mosstodon. You can also use multiple words in a hashtag. In that case, write all the words together without spaces and make sure each word starts with a capital letter, for example, #ThickTrunkTuesday. Capitalizing makes multi-word hashtags easier to read.

A post including 3 hashtags being drafted on Vivaldi Social.

Tip #551

Share interesting posts from Vivaldi Social with people on other apps.

When you have the post with its comments open as a page in Vivaldi Social then it’s easy to copy the link from the Address Bar and share it. But when you’re casually browsing through your feeds, then opting for Vivaldi Social’s share option, which triggers the operating system’s share menu allows you to share content without losing your spot on the page.

To share posts from Vivaldi Social:

  1. Click on the 3 dot menu below the post.
  2. Select Share from the menu.
  3. Choose the app you want to share the post on.
  4. Follow the app’s directions.
Share menu that is displayed in Vivaldi on Android when sharing a post from Vivaldi Social.

Tip #545

Don’t forget to link your sources when sharing your custom Vivaldi Theme.

Vivaldi Themes has thousands of themes created by the Vivaldi Community members. Some have been made from scratch with a custom Start Page background image and toolbar button icons. Others have used sources available online.

In the latter case, when you’re uploading your own theme to Vivaldi Themes, first make sure that you’re even allowed to use the image and, secondly, remember to add a link to the source.

Vivaldi Themes upload page. Arrow pointing to image source field.

Tip #542

Pin an important blog post to the top of your Vivaldi.net blog.

Whether an introduction to your blog or a post that you’re especially proud of, pinning it to the top of your blog will ensure that no one will miss it.

To pin a blog post:

  1. Open the post you want to pin in the editor.
  2. Go to the post’s settings panel on the right side.
  3. Tick the box for “Stick to the top of the blog”.
Vivaldi.net blog post open in the WordPress editor. An arrow is pointing to the "Stick to the top of the blog" checkbox in settings panel.

Tip #536

Make your posts on Vivaldi Social self destruct after a while.

It can be nice to look back on posts you made months and years ago, but if you prefer to live in the moment, you can automatically delete your posts when they reach a certain age. There are plenty of exceptions you can make to ensure the important content such as pinned posts and private messages remains.

To automatically delete old posts on Vivaldi Social:

  1. Go to Preferences > Automated post deletion.
  2. Enable “Automatically delete old posts”.
  3. Select the age threshold.
  4. Review exceptions.
  5. Save the changes.
Vivaldi Social's preferences  open on the automatic post deletion page.

Tip #533

Explore the Vivaldi Forum your way by choosing between page-by-page navigation or infinite scroll.

If you like to display content in easily manageable portions, dividing the list of topics in categories and posts in threads into pages is for you. But if you prefer to have new content appear automatically as soon as you’ve reached the end, enabling infinite scroll is the way to go. Luckily, the Vivaldi Forum caters to both styles.

To update your preference:

  1. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner of the Forum and select “Settings” from the menu.
  2. In the Pagination section, either enable or disable “Paginate topics and posts instead of using infinite scroll”.
  3. If you’ve opted to paginate posts and topics, feel free to adjust the number of items that are shown per page.
  4. Save the changes.
Forum settings page with an arrow pointing at the pagination setting.

Tip #528

Add flair to your posts on Vivaldi Social with Vivaldi’s very own emojis.

In addition to the basic emoji set, Mastodon, instances can add custom emojis. We’ve added some Vivaldi-related emojis to Vivaldi Social, including Vivaldi logos, our loveable lava ball Tony, and Vivaldia. You can also find these emojis on the Vivaldi Forum.

To use Vivaldi emojis:

  1. Click on the 🙂 “Insert emoji” button in the top right corner of the post editor on Vivaldi Social.
  2. Scroll past your frequently used and other custom emojis to the Vivaldi section.
  3. Click on the emoji you want to add to your post.
Emoji picker menu on Vivaldi Social. Arrow points at Vivaldi's custom emojis.

Tip #527

Encrypt emails you send via Vivaldi Webmail.

To ensure top-notch privacy for your email correspondence, you can encrypt the emails you send from Vivaldi Webmail.

To set up encryption in Vivaldi Webmail:

  1. Enable encryption options in Settings > Preferences > Encryption.
  2. Create or import PGP keys.
  3. Share public keys with people you want to have encrypted conversations with.
  4. Encrypt emails when composing new messages.

For detailed instructions for each step, check out the article about email encryption on Vivaldi Help.

Key passphrase dialog in Vivaldi Webmail shown to decrypt an incoming email.