Community Services Tips
Tip #520
July 3, 2024
Browse additional Themes from the same author on Vivaldi Themes.
When you find a beautiful theme created by one of our community members in the Vivaldi Themes gallery and like the author’s style, browse their other themes to find even more gorgeous creations.
To view all themes by the author:
- Go to and look for one you like.
- Click on the theme to view its page.
- In the theme information section, click on the name next to “Made by”.

Tip #511
June 19, 2024
Make sure to be logged in to your Vivaldi account while making a donation to get the badge of appreciation.
There are many ways our community is helping Vivaldi grow – by promoting Vivaldi to potential new users, testing or translating the products and web pages, helping other users with their questions, and more. But we’ve also made it possible to support Vivaldi by making a donation, either a one-time donation or a recurring monthly donation.
When you’re logged out, you can make a one-time anonymous donation, but when you’re logged in you can show off that you believe in our mission and have made a donation.
To get the badge of appreciation:
- Log in to your account on
- Go to the donation page at
- Make the donation.
- Head over to your profile or one of the Vivaldi services to view your new badge.
Tip #510
June 18, 2024
Mark Vivaldi Forum notifications as read without opening them.
When someone replies to a topic you’ve commented on on the Vivaldi Forum, then of course you want to see what they say and you click on the notification to be taken to the topic. But some notifications are just informational. In that case, you can mark them read without opening the topic.
To mark a notification as read:
- Open the notifications menu.
- Click on the little circle above the notification time on the right side.
To mark all notifications read, click on “Mark all read” at the bottom of the list.

Tip #506
June 12, 2024
Enable confirmation dialogs on Vivaldi Social to prevent unwanted actions.
Even if you can undo some things, it’s better to prevent them in the first place. That’s why on Vivaldi Social, you can choose to be asked to confirm your decision before boosting or deleting posts, and before unfollowing an account.
To enable confirmation dialogs:
- Go to Preferences > Appearance > Confirmation Dialogs.
- Tick the boxes to enable showing the confirmation dialog before:
- unfollowing someone,
- boosting a post,
- deleting a post.

Tip #503
June 7, 2024
Replace icons on menu buttons with text labels in your blog’s editor.
Having too many icons can sometimes make things confusing. To make it clear what one or the other button on your Vivaldi blog editor’s menus does, you can opt to display text labels instead of icons.
To switch from icons to text:
- Open the blog post editor on your blog.
- Click on the
Options menu in the top right corner.
- Select Preferences.
- In General > Appearance, toggle on “Show button text labels”.

Tip #496
May 29, 2024
Edit your Vivaldi Forum posts to add more information and correct mistakes.
Reading back what you posted to the Vivaldi Forum and you’re not happy with it? Use the edit option to fix that typo, clarify your point, and more.
To update your post on the Vivaldi Forum:
- Go to the topic and find the post you want to edit.
- Click on
3 dot menu button in the bottom right corner of the post (next to Reply, Quote, and upvoting options).
- Select “Edit” from the menu.
- Make your changes to the post.
- Click “Submit”.
Tip #491
May 22, 2024
Choose whether to start watching Forum topics you create and engage with automatically or not.
When you “watch” topics on the Vivaldi Forum, you’ll receive notifications whenever someone replies to the discussion. You can start watching topics manually or be added as a watcher automatically after you’ve posted.
To change the default watch settings:
- Click your profile image in the top right corner and select “Settings” from the menu, or head over to
- In the “Watch” section, tick the boxes for “Watch topics you create” and/or “Watch topics that you reply to” if you want to receive notifications, or untick the boxes if you don’t want to be added as a watcher to the topic.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save changes”.

Tip #485
May 9, 2024
Follow hashtags on Vivaldi Social to see posts on the topic on your Home feed.
Since on Mastodon, there aren’t any algorithms deciding what content to show you, you need to actively follow accounts and hashtags to fill up your Vivaldi Social Home feed with interesting posts.
To find which hashtags to follow:
- See which hashtags others have added to their posts.
- Search for hashtags.
- Browse trending hashtags on the Explore page.
To follow a hashtag:
- Click on the hashtag to view recent posts using the hashtag.
- Near the top right corner, click on “Follow hashtag”.

Tip #480
May 2, 2024
Log in to your Vivaldi account from mail and calendar clients using an app password.
If you’ve enabled Two-Factor Authentication for your Vivaldi account, then you need to use an app password when adding your account to mail and calendar clients, such as Vivaldi Mail and Vivaldi Calendar.
To generate an app password:
- Log in to your Vivaldi account on and go to the profile.
- Go to the Two-Factor Authentication management page and verify your identity with the login password.
- If you have at least one 2FA method set up, you’ll see an option to create App Passwords, go to that page.
- Select the type of app (mail, calendar, or both) you want to create the password for.
- Give it a name, so you’ll recognize which apps and clients you’ve generated passwords for.
- Copy the password, enter it on the login page of the client, and store the password in a safe location as this is the only time the password will be shown to you.

Tip #478
April 29, 2024
Show off your personality and what your blog is about with a custom header image.
Give your blog on a look that reflects you and the topics you’re blogging about – from theme colors to fonts, a logo, and a header image. In this tip, let’s find out how to add the latter.
To add a header image to your blog:
- Click “Customize” on the top menu bar of your blog or go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize.
- Go to the Header Image section.
- Click “Add New Image” to upload a new image, select one from your Media Library, or search for an image using Instant Images. Alternatively, select a premade color gradient as the header image.
- If needed, change the blog title color.
- Click “Publish” to save the changes.

Tip #474
April 23, 2024
Fine-tune your notification settings on Vivaldi Social per activity and notification type.
You can receive a notification about many things happening on Vivaldi Social. For example, when someone boosts your post, mentions you in their post, requests to follow you, etc. You probably care about some notifications more than others, so make use of the settings to decide what kind of notifications you get and how.
To edit notification settings:
- Go to your Notifications page.
- Click
“Show settings” in the top right corner of the Notifications column.
- Toggle notifications on and off as you wish.
To learn about email notifications, check out Tip #374.

Tip #472
April 19, 2024
Import contacts from vCard and CSV files to Vivaldi Webmail.
Bring your address book over to your Vivaldi account and add new contacts any time from the Contacts page in Vivaldi Webmail and send emails in a breeze.
To import contacts to Vivaldi Webmail:
- Open the Contacts page in Vivaldi Webmail.
- Click on Import on the menu above the contact view.
- In the importer window, choose your contacts file.
- Select the contact group to add the new contacts to.
- Click Import.