Tip #667

Start fresh by deleting History and other browsing data in Vivaldi on iOS.

It can be convenient to find a page you recently visited or autofill forms with your information, but it’s also good to get rid of unnecessary data every now and then. In Vivaldi on iOS, you can choose what to delete and for what time period.

To delete your browsing data:

  1. Open the Vivaldi menu > Delete browsing data.
    Alternatively, tap on “Delete browsing data” in the History Panel or go to Settings > Privacy and security > Delete browsing data.
  2. Select the time range you want to delete data for.
  3. Select the data types you want to delete.
  4. Tap on “Delete browsing data”.
Delete browsing data settings open in Vivaldi on iOS.

Tip #664

Choose which Speed Dial Group to display when going to the Start Page on mobile.

We all have our preferred workflows and it’s great when the tools you use are able to adapt to that workflow. That’s why in Vivaldi on Android and iOS you can choose what gets shown to you when you open the Start Page. Is it the selection of your most visited sites (bookmarked or not), the first group with your most important Speed Dials, or the one you viewed most recently?

To select your preferred Start Page opening view:

  1. Go to Settings > Start Page > Reopen Start Page with.
  2. Choose between:
    • First Group,
    • Top Sites,
    • Last Visited Group.
Vivaldi on Android's settings open on the "Reopen Start Page with" page with "Last Visited Group" enabled.

Tip #656

Find open tabs on mobile instantly with Tab Switcher’s search function.

If you have ever struggled to locate a specific tab, this feature will be a game changer. In the Tab Switcher, you can search through all your open tabs, and should the tab you’re looking for no longer be open you can continue to search for the page on the web.

To search for an open tab:

  1. Open the Tab Switcher.
  2. Tap on the Search button in the top right corner on Android and the top left on iOS.
  3. Start typing the tab’s title or URL.
  4. Tap on the result to open the tab.
Vivaldi on Android's Tab Switcher. An arrow is pointing at the search button in the top right corner.

Tip #652

Long-press on the Address Field in Vivaldi on iOS to share the page.

Keep your workflow uninterrupted with this swift way to share the active tab’s link with others from your iPhone and iPad.

To share a page:

  1. Long-press on the Address Bar to open the context menu.
  2. Select “Share page”.
  3. Select the suggested contact or app you want to share the page link with.

Check out Tip #605 for an alternative way of sharing pages.

Vivaldi on iOS with the Address Field's context menu open. An arrow points at the "Share Page" option.

Tip #648

Take a shortcut with “Paste and Go” to quickly open a copied link in Vivaldi on iOS.

Skipping one tiny step might not feel like much, but over time the seconds you’ve saved add up, so use the Paste and Go shortcut liberally.

To use Paste and Go:

  1. Copy a web page link or a piece of text to your clipboard.
  2. In the active or new tab, focus the Address Field either with a single tap or a long press.
  3. From the menu, select “Paste and Go” if you’ve copied a link and “Paste and Search” when you’ve copied some text.
Vivaldi on iOS with Address Bar's context menu open. An arrow points at the Paste and Go option.

Tip #645

Move from computer to mobile and vice versa in a breeze by sending tabs from one device to the other.

When you have Sync enabled in Vivaldi, you can view all tabs you have open in other Vivaldi instances from a button on the Tab Bar and in the Windows Panel on desktop, and from the Tab Switcher on mobile. If there’s a specific web page you’d like to access from a different device immediately, you can use the Send Tab to Device feature.

To send a tab from desktop:

  1. Right-click on the tab on the Tab Bar or on an empty area on the page.
  2. Select “Send to Your Devices”.
  3. Choose to which synced device you want to send the tab to.

To open a received tab on desktop:

  1. Click on the Synced Tabs button on the far side of the Tab Bar.
  2. Click on “From [device name]: [page link]”.

To send a tab from mobile:

  1. Open the Vivaldi menu > Share.
  2. Select “Send to Your Devices”.
  3. Choose to which synced device you want to send the tab to.

To open a received tab on mobile:

  1. After sending the tab from the other device, wait for a notification.
  2. Tap on the notification to open the page in a new tab.

If you don’t receive sent tabs, check that you’re logged in to Sync and that syncing is active. Also, check from your phone’s settings that Vivaldi is allowed to send you notifications.

Vivaldi on desktop and mobile showing the same web page side by side. An arrow with Sync's cloud logo is pointing from desktop to mobile.

Tip #641

Translate web content in Vivaldi on iOS.

Vivaldi Translate on your iPhone and iPad helps to break down language barriers and open up the web like never before.

To translate the whole web page, either:

  • Tap on the Translate button on the Address Bar (visible when the web page is in a different language from your preferences).
  • Go to the Vivaldi menu > Translate.

    To translate a snippet of text:

    1. Highlight the text on the web page.
    2. Select “Vivaldi Translate” from the context menu.
    Vivaldi on iOS with a web page open. An arrow points to the translation button on the Address Bar.

    Tip #637

    Find sites you’ve visited in the past from Vivaldi on iOS’ History Panel.

    When you want to revisit a page, but you already closed the tab, an easy way to reopen it is through the History Panel. It’s especially useful, when you’re not 100% sure what the web page’s link or title was. Just browse through the list of history entries on the day you last remember going to the site.

    To open the History Panel:

    Option 1

    1. Open the Panels from the bottom left corner of the screen.
    2. Swipe to the History Panel.

    Option 2

    1. Open the main menu.
    2. Scroll down and tap on History.
    History Panel in Vivaldi on iOS

    Tip #629

    Search for specific words on the open web page in Vivaldi on iOS with Find in Page.

    On desktop, Ctrl+F / ⌘ F is a well known Keyboard Shortcut for searching through the open web page. On mobile devices, where the screens fit even less content in the visible area, being able to just search for a keyword is even more useful.

    To search in Vivaldi on iOS:

    1. Open the  Vivaldi menu.
    2. Select “Find in Page”.
    3. Enter your search keyword.

    Search results will start showing as you type. Use the arrows next to the search input field to move to the ˅ next and ˄ previous results. Tap on “Done”, when you’re finished with your search.

    Find in Page feature being used in Vivaldi on iOS, showing 2 out of 9 results on the screen matching the search keyword.

    Tip #623

    Follow Tips on vivaldi.com from now on.

    New year, new… home? That’s right! Vivaldi Tips with all its posts is moving from tips.vivaldi.net to vivaldi.com/blog/tips/. The move allows us to translate tips into more languages, starting with Japanese.

    You might need to update your subscription depending on how you’re following Vivaldi Tips.

    If you’ve added the Tips widget to the Dashboard in the desktop version of Vivaldi or you check in on the Community homepage on vivaldi.net daily, you don’t need to do anything.

    Feeds – If you read the posts via a feed reader, update the RSS link to https://vivaldi.com/category/tips/feed/.

    Vivaldi Social – If you follow tips from the Fediverse, start following https://social.vivaldi.net/@[email protected] instead of https://social.vivaldi.net/@[email protected].

    Tip #622

    Match Vivaldi browser’s theme with your iPhone’s theme.

    When you’ve enabled automatic theme switches from light to dark and back or do it often manually on your iPhone or iPad, you can have Vivaldi change themes accordingly as well.

    To follow the system’s theme:

    1. Go to Settings > Appearance and Theme > Browser Theme.
    2. Select “System”.
    Browser theme settings in Vivaldi on iOS.

    Tip #614

    View and manage downloaded files on your iPhone from iOS’ Files.

    On Android, you can view and manage your downloads from the Downloads Panel. On iOS, things are a bit different. There you’ll find your downloads only in the operating system’s file folder.

    To view your downloaded files on iOS:

    • In Vivaldi, open the Vivaldi menu and select Downloads to be taken directly to the folder.
    • From your iPhone/iPad’s home screen, go to Files > Browse > On my iPhone/iPad > Vivaldi.
    Main menu in Vivaldi on iOS. Arrow pointing at Downloads.