Desktop Snapshots
Desktop Snapshots are work-in-progress builds that are available for anyone to download and test. Try new desktop browser features and fixes before anyone else!

Subject: Snapshot Mea Culpa
March 10, 2015
After we released the snapshot yesterday, some observant testers checked the release for the recent FREAK vulnerability, and found that The Linux and Mac versions were vulnerable. 🙁
FREAK is “just” the latest SSL/TLS releated with its own trademarked name (following in the footsteps of Heartbleed, POODLE, Shellshock and others).

Weekly snapshot is available for download
March 9, 2015
Hi everyone,
Last week, our team focused on getting the second Technical Preview out the door.
We got some nice media coverage, yay! Thanks everyone for helping us to spread the word!
The work on improving spatial navigation is ongoing. We’ve tweaked the link selection algorithm and few other things but we still have more to do before this feature works perfectly.
We also improved the on-demand image loading feature. You can now decide which image to load while you are in Show only cashed images mode. For a image not loaded, you can right click and choose Reload Image. It’s still work in progress but we thought you might be interested.
We have also done some work to improve the speed of the Vivaldi UI. This includes updating some components, noticeably React. Hopefully, you notice some nice UI performance improvements 🙂

Technical Preview 2 is here!
March 4, 2015
Since the launch of our first public release of Technical Preview 1, we have been working hard to fix as many issues as we can in addition to implementing new features. Today, we reached a new milestone by launching Technical Preview 2. It will replace the current build we have on For those of […]

Snapshot now available
March 2, 2015
Good news, everyone! We are back to seed the newest snapshot. We have focused on details surrounding tabs, bookmark management, and solved some issues with plural form localization. Here are few highlights from the long list of fixes and additions. Please let us know if you find any critical bug as this snapshot is a release candidate for Vivaldi Technical Preview 2.

Snapshot now with experimental 64-bit Windows build and more language support
February 23, 2015
In this week’s Snapshot, we’ve included a test-build for 64-bit Windows for you guys to play with!

New snapshot – Now with 32 bit Linux
February 16, 2015
Last week, we worked on the first iteration of bookmark bar among many other fixes listed below. The bookmark bar is still very much work in progress, but please take it for a spin.
It works little differently from Chrome, as user can decide what folder to set as bookmark bar. You can place it at the bottom if you like to.
We now offer 32 bit Linux version as many people asked for it! Let us know how it works 🙂

February 9, 2015
Hey people
I have no intention to bore you with the weather, so we go str8 to the juicy details 😉
In this snapshot we have made it possible to customize the search-field. You can either resize it by dragging the line or if you go to settings you can disable it.
We have also made a option to move the address-field to the bottom or disable it if you like.
We have also fixed many bugs, some of them more frequently reported by you like f.ex: VB-2767 Cookies not shared between tabs in all cases.

First Snapshot Vivaldi
February 3, 2015
Wow! It has been an interesting week. We have gotten so much feedback after our initial launch.
We have worked on fixing some of the worst issues in TP and want to invite you all for testing it 🙂
We are new to the game of offering public “snapshots” or “unstable” builds, so please bear with us while we hope to mature this process.
Our plan is to make a “snapshot” available once a week. These builds may contain regressions so it could be wise to back up your profile before upgrading. We also plan to replace the Technical Preview available on with this build unless any severe regressions are found. So, please let us know if you find any critical issues.

Vivaldi Tech Preview 1 Just Arrived
January 27, 2015
Friends, After a lot of hard work, it’s finally time for us to share what we have worked on with all of you! Today at 10:00 CET, we’ve made the first preview of Vivaldi browser available for download! As this is the first public release, the build is not perfect, far from it but we […]