Minor update (3) for Vivaldi 2.10

January 17, 2020

This update upgrades Chromium to 79.0.3945.131 to address 11 security issues from upstream.

Developer Tools fixes – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 1792.3

January 16, 2020

This snapshot fixes a number of issues with developer tools.

Dark mode on toggle.

5 things you should know about dark mode

January 14, 2020

Dark interfaces have been around for a while, but they’ve never been as popular as they are today. Here we find out if dark mode is better for you. Take a look.

Assorted fixes – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 1789.3

January 13, 2020

This snapshot includes fixes and improvements for bookmarks, developer tools, history, notes and the status bar.

Minor update (2) for Vivaldi 2.10

January 10, 2020

This update upgrades Chromium to 79.0.3945.118 to address security issues from upstream.

Focus shifting via the keyboard – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 1784.3

January 9, 2020

This snapshot allows you to focus different areas of the UI using F6 (and Shift+F6).

Image shows dialogue box for taking full page screenshot in Vivaldi.

Take full page screenshots in one simple step

January 9, 2020

Do you want your screenshots to show more than what’s on your screen? Here we show you how to take full page screenshots on your computer and mobile in two seconds (no extensions required).

Person wondering how to choose a browser.

How to choose a browser in 2020

January 7, 2020

Looking for a browser in 2020, you should be considering performance, security, and flexibility. But not only. Let’s take a look.

Karianne Ekern running

Ready, steady, go!

January 2, 2020

Karianne Ekern is a developer in Vivaldi’s Android team. Last month she answered a few questions for Norwegian tech site digi.no. We picked her inspiring story to start us off in the new year.

Minor update for Vivaldi 2.10

December 23, 2019

This update undoes a small change we made to our default search engine.

Happy Holidays! Goodbye 2019!

December 23, 2019

We are all heading for our holiday break but before we enter 2020, let’s hear what Vivaldi CEO Jon von Tetzchner has to say about the year that has gone by.

Cookies are for bellies, not for browsers

December 19, 2019

2019 is coming to an end and we’re baking some delicious cookies for the holidays. Can you help us tell a few folk at Google, Facebook and elsewhere that cookies are for bellies, not for browsers?