Vivaldi Tips

A huge collection of Vivaldi browser tips, tricks and hacks.

Tip #431

Look up recent translations in the Translate Panel.

Whenever you translate selected text from a web page or something you’ve entered in the Translate Panel, the original text and the translation are saved in the Translate Panel.

To view Translate History:

  1. Open the Translate Panel.
  2. At the bottom of the panel, click on “Show Translate History”.
  3. Double-click on the entry you’d like to view.
Translate History open in the panel with a corner of the Start Page visible on the right side.

Tip #430

Set your preferred editor, Block or Classic, as the default editor for your Vivaldi blog.

Some time ago WordPress, the blogging platform used on, introduced a new editor for blogs, called the Gutenberg editor. The new editor makes use of various blocks with numerous customization settings to build a post or a page. But since many still prefer the old version, aka the Classic editor, bloggers on have the option to pick the one they prefer.

To set a default editor for your Vivaldi blog:

  1. Go to Dashboard > Settings > Writing > Default editor for all users.
  2. Select either “Classic editor” or “Block editor”.
  3. Click on “Save Changes”.

Tip #429

Share multiple open Tabs in one go with Vivaldi on Android.

You’ve done the research, you’ve found the top contenders, now it’s time for others to have their say. Instead of sharing each link one by one, Vivaldi on Android gives you the option to select multiple open tabs and share their URLs as a neat list in a single message.

To share multiple tabs at once:

  1. Open the Tab Switcher.
  2. Open the menu at the top of the screen and tap on “Select tabs”.
  3. Tap on the tabs you want to share.
  4. Tap on the menu again.
  5. Select “Share”.
  6. Choose the app you want to share the links on and follow the steps in the app.
Vivaldi on Android's Tab Switcher with 3 selected tabs and a menu open to share the links of selected tabs.

Tip #428

Organize your mailbox by labeling your messages.

Some organizational tasks must be undertaken to stay on top of your emails. Labels in Vivaldi Mail are a great way to group messages based on criteria of your choice, making it easy to locate the messages later.

You can add a label to a message in one of the following ways:

  • Open the message, click on “Labels” on the menu above the message, and select an existing label or add a new one.
  • Right-click on a message in the mail list, hover over “Labels in the context menu, and select an existing label or add a new one.
  • Drag the message from the mail list to the relevant label in the Mail Panel.
Labels menu highlighted in Vivaldi Mail.

Tip #427

Set a custom wallpaper for the Start Page on Vivaldi on iOS.

The Start Page is a gateway to the web, showcasing all your favorite bookmarks, Speed Dials. So, why should you be restricted to a plain startup page with limited functionality and design?

Here’s how to set a custom wallpaper on iOS:

  1. Go to Settings > Appearance > Wallpapers.
  2. Choose a wallpaper from the presets or select one from your iPhone’s/iPad’s gallery.

Tip #426

Eliminate language barriers on Vivaldi Social with one click.

Vivaldi Social brings together speakers of many languages. While it’s fascinating to know what people are up to in various parts of the world, it can be challenging if you don’t speak their language.

To translate content:

  1. Find a post on Vivaldi Social you want to translate.
  2. Click on the Translate button below the post.
  3. Click on Show original, to revert to the original text.

The option to translate a post is shown below all posts that are in a different language from your user interface, granted that the post’s author has set the correct language for their post.

Tip #425

Press “C” to clean up the list of recently closed tabs.

It’s Clean Out Your Computer Day! To clear all browsing data in Vivaldi, check Tip #337. In this tip, though, we’ll share a neat trick to empty the recently closed tabs menu:

  1. Open the Closed Tabs menu on the far side of the Tab Bar.
  2. Press “C” on your keyboard for an immediate cleanup.
    Aletrnatively, scroll to the end of the list and click on “Clear All” there.

To clear the list via the Windows Panel:

  1. Right-click on the Closed Tabs folder.
  2. Select “Clear All” from the context menu.

Tip #424

Swipe left and right on the browser’s toolbars to switch tabs in Vivaldi on iOS.

There are a few different ways to switch Tabs in Vivaldi on iOS. Choose the one you like best.

  • You can open the Tab Switcher, browse through your tabs, and tap on the one you want to open.
  • If you have the Tab Bar displayed, you can swipe on the Tab Bar to view your tabs and tap on the one you need.
  • But if you need to open a tab you know is next to the current tab, you can easily just swipe left or right on the Address Bar or the bottom toolbar.

Tip #423

Invite people to events you’ve created in the Vivaldi Calendar.

Making plans together with someone? Instead of creating separate events with the risk of getting out of sync when the specifics of the event change, one person should create a shared event.

To create a shared event in the Vivaldi Calendar:

  1. First, ensure you have added at least one of your email accounts to Vivaldi Mail in Settings > Mail.
  2. Then, go to Settings > Calendar > Calendar Integration > Calendar Mail Account, and select your preferred mail account to be used for sending invites.
  3. In the Calendar, create a new event and fill out the details.
  4. In the Participants section of the event editor, type the email addresses of people you want to invite to the event. Press “Enter” to add them.
  5. Click “Done” when you’re ready with the event setup.
  6. Review the event invite and, if you wish, add a message.
  7. Click “Send”.

When you edit shared events, you can send a new email invite to the participants or skip notifying them.

Tip #422

Keep the text you typed in the Search Field even after completing the search.

When doing consecutive searches with overlapping terminology, you can save time by keeping the previous search in the Search Field. That way you’ll only need to edit the search keywords slightly to start a new search.

To enable this setting:

  1. Go to Settings > Search > Search Options
  2. Enable “Keep Typed Text After Searching”.

Tip #421

Change Vivaldi Webmail’s user interface language to the one you understand best.

Vivaldi Webmail is an email service for active Vivaldi Community members. As the community includes speakers from many different languages, the language preferences for the browser and services also vary.

To change the user interface language on Vivaldi Webmail:

  1. Go to Settings > Preferences > User Interface > Main Options > Language.
  2. Select your preferred language.
  3. Click “Save”.

Tip #420

Disable Search Engine Nicknames in Vivaldi on Android to prevent accidental search engine switching.

Single-letter Search Engine Nicknames allow you to quickly switch search engines from the Address Bar of Vivaldi on Android. But if, for example, due to characteristics in the language you use, you find yourself unintentionally switching search engines you can disable the feature.

To disable nickname use:

  1. Go to Settings > Search Engine Settings.
  2. Toggle off “Enable Search Engine Shortcut”.