Privacy is a core value of Vivaldi browser. Articles from subject-matter experts about why privacy matters to Vivaldi and you – all here.

Privacy is not just a personal matter
January 28, 2019
The loss of our privacy is a loss for society and democracy. In a surveillance society, the impact of data collection is not just personal because collective privacy is lost too.

Don’t say a word
July 25, 2018
Are you a stickler for grammar? Have you installed an extension or two in your browser to make sure your grammar and spelling are just right? Read on for some privacy implications.

Everything you should know about private browsing
June 7, 2018
In our series on privacy and security, we look at how Private Windows work and give you some tips on how to use private browsing.

Search suggestions: a privacy-driven feature in Vivaldi
May 14, 2018
No other browser gives you as much fine-grained control over your searches as Vivaldi. Have you ever wondered why there are so many options when it comes to search suggestions?

VPNs, proxies and privacy
April 17, 2018
In our series on privacy and security, we delve into true VPNs, secure and anonymizing web proxies, browser VPNs, and explain what to look for in a VPN service.

Website permissions and third-party services in Vivaldi
April 10, 2018
Next up in our series on privacy and security we look at website permissions, ways to block tracking through ads, and third-party services in Vivaldi.

Your browser, antivirus and other network intercepting software
April 4, 2018
We continue our series on privacy and security by taking a closer look at software that relies on intercepting network connections such as antivirus, parental control and debugging software. Should you be using those?

Shared networks, tracking and fingerprinting
March 26, 2018
In our series on privacy and security, we look at tracking and how shared access to computers or networks affects your privacy. We also show you common mistakes to avoid if you want to start taking control of your privacy.

The basics of web browser security: an introduction
March 23, 2018
In a series of blog posts, we look into some of the most important aspects of online privacy and security.

Meeting Gabriel Weinberg, Founder & CEO of DuckDuckGo
March 22, 2018
We caught up with Gabriel ahead of today’s launch to chat about all things privacy – from why you should drop Facebook and Google, to why he thinks it’s so important that people take steps to protect their privacy online.

Nothing personal
January 26, 2018
More and more people are taking action to regain control of their personal information online. With Data Privacy Day around the corner, we asked our devs for some tips on how to do this.