User story: How Vivaldi helps Joe as a writer and editor.

June 14, 2023

Joe is an Ambassador and Soprano with a love for words. Keep reading today’s story to learn how he went from being browser-curious to setting Vivaldi as his default.

Vivaldi spoofs Edge to access Bing Chat as AI wars turn vicious | PCWorld

June 8, 2023

The Vivaldi 6.1 browser update is playing cat and mouse to enable you to access AI.

Vivaldi 6.1 adds support for Bing chat by pretending to be Microsoft Edge | XDA

June 8, 2023

Vivaldi is rolling out a big new update, and it’s now the first browser outside of Microsoft Edge to officially support Bing chat.

Vivaldi bypasses restrictions to access Bing Chat.

June 8, 2023

The new Vivaldi on desktop masquerades as competitors to benefit its users on desktop and Android. Adds more functionality to Workspaces and Tabs on the desktop.

Vivaldi 6.1

June 8, 2023

Vivaldi on Android

June 8, 2023

12 ways to make Vivaldi your custom browser

June 1, 2023

Customizing Vivaldi is not only a fun way to create a more personal experience, but it can also boost your productivity and help you speed through the web. Here are some ways Vivaldi lets you make the browser feel like home.

The results of the Custom Icons contest are in!

May 23, 2023

You have been voting for your favorite themes, we have counted the votes, and we’re happy to share the results with you.

Be part of Vivaldi on iOS: Get the preview and give us feedback.

May 23, 2023

Vivaldi on iOS is ready to unveil its first look in its beta. And, we are as excited as you are. Want a chance to try it out? Read on to find out how.

Time to vote for your favorite theme!

May 15, 2023

We’ve received a lot of wonderful themes in the Custom Icons contest, but we need your help to pick the winners.

Two-Factor Authentication for Vivaldi accounts and a new reputation system for Vivaldi Webmail.

May 4, 2023

Updates to key Vivaldi Community services bring a new level of security to your Vivaldi accounts, will keep a lid on some very determined spammers, and will improve the overall experience.

User story: Poto loves how Vivaldi lets him browse his way.

April 24, 2023

Charmed by Vivaldi CEO Jon von Tetzchner’s philosophy and now hooked on Vivaldi. Let’s hear Poto’s story.