
Find out what's coming up next with public test builds of the Vivaldi browser. Read about upcoming features, leave your feedback and discuss issues with the Vivaldi team.

Vivaldi Mobile 6.4 RC 1 – Vivaldi Android Browser snapshot 3171.49

Today’s snapshot is the first release candidate for Vivaldi Mobile 6.4 release on Android.

Covered address field fix – Vivaldi Android Browser snapshot 3171.45

Today’s snapshot fixes the problem where keyboard covers the URL field when on the bottom.

Polishing as we get close to release – Vivaldi Android Browser snapshot 3171.35

Today’s snapshot addresses various bugs and includes a Chromium bump.

Testing fixes for a minor update to 6.4 – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 3160.38

We are planning a minor update to 6.4 shortly, with the following fixes.

Vivaldi 6.4 RC 1 – Vivaldi Desktop Browser snapshot 3160.33/34

Today’s snapshot is the first release candidate for 6.4 for desktop and notebooks.

Regression fixes – Vivaldi Android Browser snapshot 3171.3

In this update, we’ve addressed several regression issues and polished the reading list feature.

Bookmarks icon fix – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 3160.30

We got a lot of complaints about that one, so here is a fix. Along with a selection of other improvements.

Input field crash fix – Vivaldi Android Browser snapshot 3167.7

In this snapshot, we provide a fix for the input field crash that was present in the last snapshot.

Man's wrist with a decimal watch

Time for another snapshot? – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 3160.29

We are getting closer to release time and a couple of important web compatibility fixes arrived, so you get a an extra snapshot to test them.

Catching up – Vivaldi Android Browser snapshot 3165.4

This snapshot includes UI improvements, a few regression fixes and a Chromium bump.

YouTube feed fixes – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 3160.27

In today’s snapshot we have YouTube feed fixes, performance improvements for those with lots of bookmarks, and a handy crash fix.