Vivaldi 3.5

Vivaldi 3.5 improves tabs and media playback, adds sharing of URLs with QR code.

QR Code in Vivaldi Address Field

Share URLs using QR code

Scan QR codes and easily share URLs to other devices using a built-in QR code generator.

No need to re-type URLs, have a direct network connection between devices or sign up to your Sync account.

Look out for the small button in the Address Field, when enabled.

Spotify plays better in Vivaldi 3.5

Play video and audio better

Get smooth access to premium streaming services such as Amazon Prime HD, Spotify, Peacock TV, and other websites using the Widevine DRM technology.

Gear up for a better experience with the latest media fixes.

Enjoy overall improvements and additions

Try out new ways to manage tabs, including an improved pop-up thumbnail for Tab Stacks.

Take advantage of new menu customization options – we add shortcuts assigned to a global command to the right-click menus.

Work faster with improved Single Key Shortcuts.

Get away from Big Tech and have fun doing it

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