Three major features from our forum’s feature request thread have made it into the 1.13 release. All three improve file downloading.
Warning dialog if a download is incomplete
111 of you said that they’d like a warning on exiting the browser if a download is still running. The feature request for the 1.13 build was started by @Pesala two months ago.
Ability to pause and resume downloads
91 of you upvoted this feature – also posted by @Pesala in the 1.13 feature request thread. More specifically, you asked for the ability to resume downloads after the browser session has ended, as well as to pause a download and resume it from where it left off.
Download speed displayed in the progress bar
Requested by @Regnas, the feature to show download speeds in the download bar was also posted two months ago and has been upvoted by 80 of you.
“Whilst the download speed in the downloads panel is very welcome, I would prefer to see it in the downloads bars itself and show download speed for every simultaneous download, so I could see several download speeds at a glance instead of clicking each download to see their download speed at the bottom,” wrote @Regnas.
Window Panel and tree-style tabs functionality
Over the past few months, many of you have also requested that we implement the tree-style tabs functionality. Window Panel which we introduce in 1.13 should answer that need. With Window Panel you organize and manage your tabs easily. Currently, the Window Panel works per window, but we have plans to add more functionality, something you have also requested.
Many smaller features and fixes also make it into 1.13. If you go through the changelog for the new release, you might notice that quite a few of them were requested on our forum at some point.
We hope the new version helps you work faster and smarter.
Keep the ideas coming!
We’re always happy to see your ideas on how to make Vivaldi even better. The feature request thread on our forums is important to us. It gives us a real sense of what you’d like to see in your browser. Naturally, we’re especially interested in the top requested features. Every week, the team looks at an updated list of the top 10 and evaluates them.
We do our best to implement as much as possible within the short space of time we have. Sometimes – not often enough, we admit – we’re able to respond to a feature request instantly and get it into our builds in a matter of days.
We’ve already started a new thread for 1.14. Post your feature ideas and upvote the ones you like posted by others. Let’s build Vivaldi together.