TOP 5 issues in Vivaldi Browser by users
Sometimes the smallest of problems in your everyday browsing can be very frustrating, and deep down you know there must be a quick and easy fix.
On a daily basis, the Vivaldi team comes across a lot of queries. Some seem easy and some super-advanced. And what do we do with them? We try to help.
So, if you are in a pickle, you can turn towards our Support team – an enthusiastic bunch who loves giving you the best solutions.
More importantly, our comprehensive Help Pages are an arsenal of knowledge when it comes to both troubleshooting and understanding Vivaldi’s features. And those nifty details can remove the obstacles coming your way and make your browsing flow.
Today we look at five common issues and the solutions that will get you back on track.
“Why is my browser acting up? Really slow? Help!”
First things first – hope you are running the latest version of Vivaldi. If not, it would take less than a minute to update. Go to the Vivaldi menu > Help > “Check for Updates” (on Mac this is under the Vivaldi menu). Keep the browser updated and you will find a stark improvement. We are constantly fixing bugs and improving performance to give you a rejuvenated browsing experience.
Updating your browser did not help? Hmmm, could it be that an extension you are using is spoiling the party? Try disabling extensions one by one and check if one of them has an adverse effect on performance.
Removing some extensions was of no use? Don’t give up. Start your browser on a fresh note. Remove the cache of data by simply deleting the temporary files.
Data which can be cleared from your local storage includes browsing history, downloads, cookies, cache, passwords, form autofill data and application cache. If you are going to jump into a blitzkrieg and delete all, keep passwords safe as you will have to log in to sites again later.
P.S. Make sure you are on a steady internet connection! That could be the simplest of solutions if your browser is slowing down.
“Damn! Vivaldi browser not supported! Why?”
Yes, you may have encountered this. This happens when a website decides to block Vivaldi users from accessing pages. They can do this by looking at our “User Agent”.
Since Vivaldi is based on current web standards and uses an up to date copy of Chromium/Blink (one of the most popular rendering engines), there is no good reason to block Vivaldi.
If you ever encounter such website blocks, take a look at our detailed guide on how to work around them. You can also report this directly to the website, just like our user Adrien from France has done.
“I just cannot stand these pop-up windows!”
Love them or hate them, the latter would win by far.
Part and parcel of everyday browsing, pop-up windows as the name suggests, continue to pop-up. If this happens more than usual, it could be a sign that a malware or adware program has crawled in your computer.
Usually, such programs come bundled with an extension or maybe as a separate program. This can be easily shunned by using the antivirus software that you’ve got installed. Run a thorough scan to detect the problem.
To troubleshoot, delete cookies and cached data (see above) or install an adblocker extension.
“I run Vivaldi on Linux but still can’t play videos?“
This query pops up again and again – you can call it one of our favorite issues. No worries, we tackle this to the hilt.
Under Linux, Vivaldi requires suitable, third party support to play HTML5 proprietary media.
HTML5 “proprietary” audio and video includes all media types that are patented, such as MP4 (H.264/AAC). From testing to installing and troubleshooting, our handy guide can solve all issues related to this.
“Oh no! My browser crashed! Again!”
Repeated browser crashes are a pain. We hear you!
We hear you so well that you can report crashes to us if you are on Windows, macOS , and Linux.
Again, check for updates, examine if your extensions are working properly, clear the cache, decide if you need a reinstall or reset of Vivaldi.
The rule of thumb is to keep everything up to date – your device drivers, your other software, your operating system as a whole. This should help to minimize compatibility issues.
* * *
Last but not least, bear in mind that while we want to give you the best browsing experience, we are a young browser which means that there are bugs to work out, unfamiliar controls to learn and problems to troubleshoot.
Just remember to look into our Help Pages – they should have most solutions you need. 😃