Back in July, we blogged about a proposed EU legislation that aims to reshape copyright law for the Internet age, and how it impacts us. Since then the EU’s Legislative Committee voted to adopt the EU Copyright Directive, including the infamous Article 13.
We believe that EU decision-makers need to find a balance between copyright and the right to freedom of expression. To us, the freedom of speech and the right to access of information are as important as copyright. It’s important that the new legislation doesn’t turn the Web into a tool for automated surveillance and control.
We are not the only ones who feel this way. Many Members of the European Parliament have come together urging the EU’s Legislative Committee to delete Article 13 citing its catastrophic effect on citizens’ access to quality news and information.
Speak up about Article 13
It’s not too late to speak up.
Over the next few months, the EU Council will get the directive into final form and there is still an opportunity to alter the text. The directive itself faces a final vote in January 2019. After that, it will need to be implemented by individual EU member states, who will all vary in how they interpret the directive’s text.
If in Europe, you can have your voice heard by calling, emailing, or texting your MEP.
Let’s tell the EU that regulation is welcome, but when it comes to a point where it compromises freedom of expression, it needs to be re-evaluated.