It’s always fantastic to see the gushing testimonials of people who have just discovered Vivaldi browser and are still in the exploration and digging-in phase.
But it’s quite another level of awesomeness seeing Jon Tromans, who has used Vivaldi browser for over a year, come up with an amazing video about his Vivaldi workflow. Apparently, this is Jon’s first video on his brand-new marketing YouTube channel. He walks us through some of the features he thinks are useful for marketing execs or anyone who manages multiple clients and work projects.
I have been using Vivaldi as my main web browser for over a year and it’s fundamental to keeping me organized and efficient.
Jon Tromans, podcaster and a Digital Marketing trainer
“Vivaldi is an innovative minnow in the browser world!”
Says Forbes on the day we launched Break Mode – an unconventional, relatable, and effective yet simple feature.
We are not concerned about you not spending enough time in the browser. But being online all the time is not really productive. We care about you and that is why we want to make it easy for you to take a complete break from your screens – with a single click.
With a volley of news articles and mentions across the digital space, around the globe, we were busy monitoring our media alerts and responding to users. Such a good feeling.
And the Newsweek endorsement made us do a bop! 💃
It is well-respected in tech circles, largely because of its trove of clever features, but partly because it claims not to track users around the web, and partly because it isn’t Google, which does make money through its tracking of users.
Aatif Sulleyman, Newsweek
A physiological approach to taking a break
When a feature works for someone, it is pretty close to that feeling of standing on the victory podium with the gold medal and “congratulations” ringing in the ears!
The Break Mode has had a positive impact on Joanna Nelius from Gizmodo – knocks off her problem of screen addiction.
I’ll admit, I’m really bad at stepping away from my computer. My idea of taking a lunch break is firing up the latest The Sims 4 game pack or watching something on Netflix. My brain is still bombarded with icons and images. Definitely not as peaceful as sitting on my patio, watching my hanging succulent plants sway back and forth in the breeze. So, I can see what Vivaldi is attempting to do with this new feature: give users a physiological method of sorts to remind them to take a break. Seeing a blank screen (hopefully) acts as the physical queue to turn your brain off for a little while. It’s little, unique features like this that Vivaldi hopes will push us further in the direction of abandoning Chrome altogether. And for me, at least, it’s working.
Joanna Nelius, Gizmodo
Make browsing easier
Vivaldi does just that. And this resonated with Maketecheasier amongst many others. Not only on desktop but also on Android devices, with greatly improved reachability, browsing with Vivaldi is easier.
Vivaldi browser’s new versions on desktop and Android are innovative and address real needs.
All this goes to show that we are building the Vivaldi browser that you like!
So help us spread the word about your favorite browser. Every word counts!