Nike: “Just Do It”, Dollar Shave Club: “Shave Time. Shave Money”, McDonald’s: “I’m Lovin’ It“, Apple: “Think Different”, are some well-known slogans and taglines.
Hmm! Did we just mention Apple? Undoubtedly, their slogans and taglines are quippy and enjoy high recall value.
It’s incredibly challenging to be concise, and it’s especially difficult to express a complex emotional concept in just a couple of words – which is exactly what slogans and taglines do.
That’s why we have great respect for the brands that have done it right.
So while we were chasing Henrik, our designer and a long-time mac user, to describe his take on the features of Vivaldi that trump Safari, we let our imagination run riot.
We picked a few Apple slogans and teased our brain muscles to bring out the emotions and personality of Vivaldi.
In simple words, Apple slogans, the Vivaldi way.
Conclusion: We really are so different!
Do you agree?
Witty one-liners are the best ice breakers, and they never seem to fail.
Can you think of famous slogans, and how they would sound the Vivaldi way? Pick a few and pop them here.
We are eager to see the wall of comments with some fun ones!