OSLO, Norway – August 4, 2021: Hot on the heels of Vivaldi 4.0, where Vivaldi introduced Vivaldi Translate, a private translation tool, comes a new version: Vivaldi 4.1 on Android.
Vivaldi is always listening to its users’ suggestions and keeping an eye out for ways to provide new browsing options. That is why this latest update has new, flexible options, developed with users and their online habits in mind.
The first is a new option to open external pages in Vivaldi, rather than launching other apps.
There is also a new Tab Setting that gives a variety of options to choose from when opening a new tab. Also, by popular demand, an option for users to enable Tab Stacks has been added, including several improvements in how they use tabs.
The latest version Vivaldi 4.1 can be downloaded for free on mobiles and tablets running Android 5 or higher, and on up-to-date Chromebooks.
“We are on a mission to give you a useful experience online without compromising on your privacy. We do not confine you to pre-determined and locked settings in Vivaldi. Instead, we let the browser adjust to your preferences,” Vivaldi CEO, Jon von Tetzchner, says.
Stay in Vivaldi: Break free from the confines of mobile app

Vivaldi is passionate about providing solutions. Built-in Ad Blocker (disabled by default), tracking protection, Notes, Page Capture are all useful options packed with flexibility.
All the features are built-in keeping user preferences on top. Some may not prefer to install every app on their device because either they do not trust the app or simply prefer to get all their work done in the browser.
With this in mind, Vivaldi adds a new option that lets users open external pages rather than launching other apps, giving them more control. Instead of hopping from app to app, they can stay in Vivaldi. This works very well if there are links where the external handler is set to an app that a user doesn’t want to install.
For example, clicking a YouTube link would open the video in Vivaldi rather than taking users to the YouTube app.
This option has benefits beyond convenience. People have to install apps for everything these days. This means software just sits on their phone, subject to bit-rot if the app maker doesn’t bother keeping it up to date, and it can end up being an entry point for an attacker.
Activating this setting is easy. Users can simply go to V icon > Settings > Web pages > Stay in browse.
Open a new tab? Discover the new tab settings

With every update, Vivaldi’s focus is to simplify browsing on Android.
Vivaldi has been working on how users can work with tabs with more ease and efficiency. The new tab settings let users open a tab from these four options:
- After Related Tabs: The new tabs will share a “parent-child” relationship – if a link is opened in the current tab, the new tab will open next to its “parent”
- After Active Tab: Opens new tab next to the current active tab (this is the default)
- As Last Tab: Opens new tab at the end of the tabs
- As Tab Stack With Related Tab: Opens a new tab stack with the active tab and the new tab
To find the new tab settings, users can go to the V icon > Settings > New Tab Position.
Have it your way. Enable or disable Tab Stacks

In this update, Vivaldi gives more reasons to work with tabs. If users like to work with Tab Stacks (groups) to stay organized, they can easily enable them (off by default to avoid annoyance to those who prefer not using them).
Tab Stacks group multiple tabs into the space of a single tab, so there is less clutter on the Tab Switcher. When tapped on that stack, all the tabs can be accessed inside it.
As with everything else in Vivaldi, they can be disabled if you prefer. To enable/ disable Tab Stacks in Settings, users can go to V icon > Settings > Tabs > Enable Tab Stack.