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A pivotal moment has arrived: Vivaldi 4.0 is here. Simply put, the era of blindly trusting Big Tech is over.
A growing movement of people worldwide is looking for reliable, functional alternatives to the tools offered by the tech giants. We are building Vivaldi to meet that need – and more – with an expanded set of integrated features that give you more control of your data and your workflow.
On desktop and Android, we offer Vivaldi Translate, a built-in, privacy-friendly translation feature, powered by Lingvanex and hosted by Vivaldi, keeping translations out of the reach of companies like Google or Microsoft.
The eagerly-awaited beta release of Vivaldi Mail, Vivaldi Feed Reader and Vivaldi Calendar are now here on your desktop. While you can choose to use Vivaldi Mail Beta with your existing mail and calendar services, you can also set up an account on vivaldi.net or add a trusted third-party service, such as Fastmail.
Truly, with the new Vivaldi, we’re making it easier for you to break away from the locked ecosystems of the huge corporations and creepy, surveillance-driven practices.
Vivaldi 4.0 is available on Windows, Mac and Linux computers, mobiles and tablets running Android 5 or higher, and on up-to-date Chromebooks. Get it now.

Vivaldi Translate
Powered by Lingvanex on desktop and Android
We’ve long believed that everything you do in your browser is no one else’s business — which is why we’ll never track you, collect your data, or willingly compromize your privacy. We’re committed to rejecting every privacy-invasive technology, such as Google’s FLoC, because we believe collecting unnecessary personal information online is not only wrong, but dangerous.
Building a browser that puts you first is our job. Vivaldi’s end-to-end encrypted Sync keeps your browsing data safe. The built-in Ad and Tracker Blocker, available on both Android and desktop versions, helps to limit unnecessary tracking and block annoying ads.
But there are still many less obvious ways where your data can be — and is — being collected!
Ever wondered what happens when you translate web pages or text using services like Google Translate? You may have thought they were “confidential”, but when you close that tab, your translations don’t just vanish. Google has access to every piece of text that you’ve translated. And they could get away with it since users don’t have many reliable options.
Until now, that is. Now you have an option — Vivaldi Translate powered by our partner Lingvanex.
Together with our friends at Lingvanex, we give you a translation feature built into the browser that’ll help millions of users globally read translated pages in their preferred language — safely and securely. Your translation activity is for your eyes only.
The translation engine provided by Lingvanex is hosted on Vivaldi servers in Iceland. This means there are no third-party servers involved. And it means you don’t have to share what you read with ‘prying eyes’. Vivaldi Translate is trustworthy.
By default, the Translate icon appears in the right corner of your desktop browser’s Address Field, almost immediately when the web page loads. This means translation can be activated on the page.

You can translate a full page from any supported language to the language of your OS with one click or choose another language from the drop-down, or even customize the translation by using these Options:
- Always translate – always translate the current language
- Never translate – Never translate the current language
- Never translate this site – never be asked about translation on that particular site again
- Offer to translate pages – disables the automatic translation of pages and pop-ups that show automatically. The button remains in the address field to reverse the action.

Highly requested on Vivaldi for Android, the translate feature works on Android devices and Chromebooks, with the same functionality as on desktop.
Vivaldi Translate is a rare feature in mobile browsers as most do not offer a translation feature and if they do, your translation activities aren’t private.
To translate a page, open the Vivaldi Menu and select “Translate”. (Additional options appear at the bottom of the screen, right above the bottom toolbar.) You’ll find translation settings in the Vivaldi Menu > Settings > General > Language Settings.

Essentials, Classic or Fully Loaded?
Take your pick of three new default Vivaldi layouts.
Vivaldi is packed with features and the options are seemingly endless. From a focused, minimalist experience to building a command center for life online – anything is possible in Vivaldi, really. With so much functionality under one roof, the real question is: how much Vivaldi do you want?
In this new version, we’re giving people a head start on the path to their perfect browser by offering three default layouts. All Vivaldi functionality remains under the hood and available for you any time, no matter which layout you choose. But the layouts offer you different levels of access to features directly from the interface.

If you live by the motto “keep it simple” this one’s for you. Ideal for folks who are looking for a more private browser, but not up for tackling a bunch of new features right away. Of course, Essentials fans also benefit from Vivaldi not tracking how they use their browser, as well as Vivaldi’s built-in Ad and Tracker Blocker and Vivaldi Translate.
Ready to explore some new browser features? The Classic layout adds Panels and the Status Bar to the mix, giving new users easy access to a bunch of productivity-boosting functionality right away.
Fully Loaded
Kicking things up a notch, Fully Loaded includes everything from Essentials and Classic, as well as enabling the new beta versions of Vivaldi Mail, Vivaldi Feed Reader and Vivaldi Calendar.
Our mission is to provide a browser that works for anyone, while putting their privacy first. These new layout options make it easier than ever for people to tailor their browser to their unique workflow and needs from day one with Vivaldi.
Vivaldi Mail Beta
A Fully Loaded alternative to Big Tech
Limited choices have locked a lot of us into the ecosystems of a handful of corporations. But with the Vivaldi Mail Beta you have a choice. You have privacy. And a more organized you!
Most mail clients keep all of your different types of mail bundled together, forcing you to manually untangle email from mailing lists, conversations and work-related email into folders. At the same time, they often separate out all of your personal mail accounts so that you have to keep jumping around to see all of your mail at once.
Unlike traditional mail clients, Vivaldi Mail does all the heavy lifting for you, even in this beta version. By automatically detecting mailing lists and mail threads, automatically categorizing your mail to make it easy to find, and offering a powerful search feature, Vivaldi Mail takes the weight off your shoulders, allowing you to enjoy your mail experience again.

And the best thing? It does all this on your own computer, rather than on a remotely operated webmail server, which ties you to a specific service provider and forces you to trade access to the contents of all your mail in exchange for the use of their search features.
With Vivaldi Mail Beta, we let you take back true control of your mail. Change email providers as many times as you like, without losing your email filters. Search through your mail just like before. All while holding onto both your privacy and online freedom.
Fire up Vivaldi Mail Beta
Existing users can enable Mail from Settings > General. New users can enable Mail by selecting the Fully Loaded layout on setup.
Once enabled, you’ll be greeted by the Mail Panel, a sidebar, where you will be able to access All messages, Custom folders, Mailing lists, Filter and (searches), Flags (starred), Synced Labels, Feeds, and All Accounts.
Vivaldi Mail’s three-panel default layout shows accounts and folders on the left, messages received in the middle, and currently open messages on the right. But, as with everything in Vivaldi, you can switch to a different layout from Settings. For example, switch to a horizontally split layout instead of the default three-column layout.

What makes Vivaldi Mail Beta special
All your mail accounts in one place
Vivaldi Mail aims to solve the problem of having multiple mail accounts and a lot of mail. So you can access emails from multiple accounts and mailing lists in a single inbox — without having to log into each account individually.
As Vivaldi Mail supports IMAP and POP3, you can integrate most email providers. (And, yes, as requested by many of our users, you also can import all mails and contacts from Opera’s M2.) We are working on imports from other mail clients and more functionality.
Using Gmail? (time to break old habits!) Log into your Google account from Vivaldi Mail and Vivaldi Calendar with these options.
The Database, the cornerstone
Vivaldi maintains a database of all your messages, and labels, filters, searches etc. Since the mail from all your accounts is indexed, it’s searchable offline. And, if you prefetch your mails, all the mail content is indexed, before you open it. Protecting your data is our priority. We would not want you to lose it at any cost. So instead of permanently deleting a message when it is no longer found on your mail server, we put a local copy in your trash folder. It’ll be there for you, until the next time you empty your trash.
Tabbed interface
Having your mail client and browser in the same application makes a lot of sense. When you compose a new message, instead of popping up in the same window it opens in a new tab, a handy clutter-cutting touch. With the tabbed interface, you can keep multiple messages open simultaneously and navigate between them with ease.

Beyond ordinary email organization
How does organizing mail shift from practical to enjoyable in Vivaldi Mail Beta? Let’s find out.
Think outside the folder
Vivaldi Mail does not store a message in a particular folder. In Vivaldi Mail, a single message can show up in any number of “folders” or views. Now, you don’t have to waste time looking for items from folder to folder, instead you can focus on creating views which help show the messages that matter.
Flag it up in color
Syncable with other email clients, Flags can be assigned with colors, so important messages are easy to spot and serve as useful reminders.
Speed up searching
Save searches as filters, useful if you run the same search over and over and want to save time in the future. Labels (similar to tags) are also supported, and they do get synced, even if you use a different client on another device.
Queue up messages
If you want to prepare your emails far in advance, but aren’t sure when (or if) you’d like to hit send, queuing your messages is handy. Just click the arrow next to the send button when composing the mail and pick the queue option from there. Then, when you click the send button or use a shortcut to send, Vivaldi Mail will queue your messages in your outbox. They’ll wait there until you are ready to press send.
Your view, your way in
Control the view with Toggles
With a click, you can hide or show messages from mailing lists, custom folders, feeds, junk or trash in any view.

Tell unseen and unread apart
There are two counters next to folders in Vivaldi Mail. Unseen are new emails that you’ve never seen before, while Unread are emails that you have seen but not dealt with. This is a useful way of collecting all your unread messages. Once read, the mail can be marked as read and will disappear from this view. Not to worry, they remain in the Received view for you to access later. This works perfectly as a to-do list.

- Create your own Mail Keyboard Shortcuts and get work done faster. For example, by default:
- G: Mark a mail as Read and go to the next Unread.
- T: View the thread the current mail belongs to.
- E: View all mail from the sender of the current mail.
- And more, to fit in with the way you work and play.
- Using the Back/Forward buttons while in a Mail window let you go back and forth in your mail folders – pretty special in Vivaldi Mail.
- Having selected a thread with T or a contact with E, you can use your normal history keys to go back and view the mail folder you were in before.
- For faster navigation, there are sixteen configurable shortcuts for activities such as composing new emails, replying to email, and more.
This is just skimming the surface of Vivaldi Mail Beta. If you want the full deep dive, revisit the Technical Preview introducing Vivaldi Mail and check out the details of the changes since the Technical Preview here.
Vivaldi Feed Reader Beta
Get news that you care about
We’re big fans of feeds, so giving you a feed reader has been in our plans from the very start.
In a world where what we read online is being monitored, stored and sold to advertisers, Vivaldi Feed Reader is a breath of fresh air.
Since we don’t believe in tracking your online behavior, we had to build Vivaldi Feed Reader differently. Instead, you are in control. If you choose to subscribe to feeds from sites you enjoy and trust, news from those sites will appear, not from companies pushing their agenda on you. You can enjoy your customized feed, with no fluff, no “promoted content” – and no spying.
Vivaldi Feed Reader Beta uses Vivaldi Mail to display feed items. You can choose to view and rename the feed items within the Mail Panel, or alternatively view from the dedicated Feeds Panel.
The integration with Vivaldi Mail has huge benefits. It allows sorting, indexing and searching of feed items. It allows them to be marked as Read without deleting them. And it works as a unified system so that you can view all of your new messages in one place, instead of having to find and view feeds separately from your mail.

With Vivaldi Feed Reader Beta, you can follow almost any modern newspapers, blogs, galleries and more such as:
- YouTube channels without an extra visit to YouTube: You can subscribe to a feed any time you visit a channel. For your privacy, we extract the video content (using a no cookie URL) from the feed and display the video inline, rather than linking to the video. Any updates, like “1 person liked your video”, will not trigger feed updates.
- Podcasts: As Vivaldi supports several versions of RSS and the powerful Atom web standards, the audio and video of the podcast is glitch-free when received as a feed.

We hope to add more dedicated functionality to the Feed Reader in the future, so watch this space.
Vivaldi Calendar Beta
A deeply integrated way to manage events in your browser
While there are many options available, the most popular calendars are made by some of our Big Tech competitors, with business models based on data collection.
We believe you shouldn’t need to share the details of your events and tasks with a company just so you can keep them organized. But our ambition goes beyond providing an alternative to data-collecting calendars. We want to give you a better one with unique functionality.
Our focus is building a simple, powerful calendar that allows you to fine-tune your schedules, so you never miss a thing.
So let’s see what the Vivaldi Calendar Beta can do.
You can choose to keep all your data local, which works well from a privacy aspect, as events won’t be stored on third-party servers, meaning your plans stay only your plans.
But as Vivaldi is about options, we give you the ability to access and manage events from shared calendars.
Adding new calendars on your server or any other CalDAV servers is possible. We’ve also got improved support for several online calendars such as Fastmail, Zimbra, iCloud and more.
A full view is a good view
What’s unique in our calendar is that you can see all the data you need in every view. Other calendars only show one or two lines per calendar event.
You can choose from the following three different layouts:
- The minimal view only shows the event title.
- The full view shows all the event data in the main view.
- The compact view gives the best of both worlds, putting a cap on the text in the events
We allow you to zoom in or out of your data, for the best overview of events with the fewest clicks. Day and Week views show data by the hour, while the Multi-Week and Month views are more compressed and show events one after another. In the Year view, each day shows the events for that day. The Agenda view shows 6 weeks worth of events in a list grouped by date.

You can customize your schedule for a perfect fit with several display and editing options, and also use sound or not for showing reminders.
Choose how to interact with your calendar
Key calendar actions can be controlled by the keyboard only, using Mouse Gestures or Quick Commands.
See more with Inline Editing
Vivaldi Calendar allows you to view other events while adding a new one. Just click, enter your title and start and end times. That’s it. And no pop-ups are needed – unless you want them. The inline editor also lets you add more details and is split into tabs for Date and Time, Recurrence, Location, Description, Task, and Participants.

Search and Filter to save time
Our Search field allows you to filter events quickly, by entering text. Events in the current view will display. To include all events, simply press Enter or click the search button to expand the search.
Enjoy the benefits of browser integration
Find an event you want to remember while browsing? Highlight and right-click any text on a page and select ‘Add as Calendar Event’. You will be prompted with an Event Editor where you can finish creating the event. And no need to copy text between applications anymore. By using the quick command ‘New Calendar Event’, you can bring up the add event dialog in the browser, without opening the calendar view.
View your calendar via the Calendar Panel
With this option, you can keep the panel open while you browse the web, for a better overview while organizing your schedule.

With Vivaldi’s handy keyboard navigation, you can swiftly move around the days with up/down, left/right, to see what is coming up. You can also navigate between date ranges by using Page up/down.
Figuring out an upcoming appointment or looking into an event gone by is easy. To save time, click on the date heading in the Calendar Panel or Calendar Manager and use the drop down to navigate between dates.
Use Tasks to keep yourself on track
Stay organized by adding tasks to the Calendar. You can then find an overview of your tasks in the Agenda View. From the Calendar, just hit the New Task button to create a task, with or without a deadline. You can also easily create a task from any event or vice versa. From the Event Editor, go to the Task tab and toggle the “Is a Task” checkbox.
Add fun to your notifications
Not content to keep you on top of your game at all times, Vivaldi Calendar even lets you tailor your notification style. If you tend to gloss over standard notifications, try Melt, or Burn. Your notifications will be sure to grab your attention!
Discover Vivaldi 4.0, with a lot more, your way.
Vivaldi represents your needs and what the current times demand. We move ahead as a company that does not exploit your data for profit. We continue to build products that have more ethos, more functionality and better user experiences.
Our relentless focus on the product will always be driven by our community. So thank you for always being there, always. You have been one of our greatest strengths, so we are again turning to you for your feedback that’ll help us improve Vivaldi overall, especially the beta versions of Vivaldi Mail, Calendar and Feed Reader and — it’s just the beginning.

Taking Vivaldi to the next level
We appreciate every bit of help we get from Vivaldi fans. From spreading the word to helping us test, read on for seven things you can do to help Vivaldi grow.
Visit the Changelog for a full list of new features, bug fixes and other changes in desktop and Android versions of Vivaldi.