Vivaldi browser launches configurable context menus, periodic page loading, and a built-in arcade game.

The new version Vivaldi 3.4 steps it up with configurable context menus, automatic reloading of pages, and for the first time, a real 80s arcade-style game on desktop and notebooks, Vivaldia.

Menu for customization of context menus.

OSLO, Norway – October 15th, 2020: Vivaldi Technolgies releases its new browser version Vivaldi 3.4 on desktop and notebooks bringing in powerful features that include the ability to configure context menus, reload pages automatically, capture screenshots directly into a new note, and more.

The new version also introduces Vivaldia, a pixel-perfect arcade-style runner game. For the first time, people will be able to play a real 80s arcade-style game directly in their browser on both desktop and Android. Find out more about Vivaldia.

Vivaldi 3.4 is ready to be downloaded for free on Windows, Mac, and Linux computers.

Also released today, Vivaldi 3.4 on Android devices, Chromebooks, and tablets with an improved layout for Speed Dials in the Start Page, and Vivaldia, built-in arcade game.

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What’s new in Vivaldi 3.4 on desktop

Configurable context menu Vivaldi browser.

More is more: configure context menus, add custom links

Configurable menus, a functionality that Vivaldi introduced recently, lets users move their most frequent actions to the top of the menu in the vertical menu, facilitating quick access, and adjusting to individual workflows.

Now menu customization goes up a notch with users being able to configure context menus (right-click menus). Rearrange, add or remove the actions needed and tailor the browser according to preferred workflows.

For example, move “Open in New Background Tab” to the top in the Bookmark Bar Item Context menu, add a direct link to the Vivaldi Forum in the main Vivaldi menu or make the menus compact by removing all the menu items that are not used.

With no limit to customization, users can even add fun elements by renaming the menu items with emojis.

Furthermore, custom entries can also be added to menus. For example, add the new Vivaldia game or any preferred site to the menu via an “Open link” command.

Adjust the menu via “Settings → Appearance → Menu”.

Periodic Reload of Tab: Stay up to date

Vivaldi’s comprehensive tab handling gets even better with Periodic Reload of Tab – ensuring users are on the latest version of the site when they switch to a tab.

To enable Periodic Reload of Tab, right-click on a tab, move the mouse over the Periodic Reload menu entry, and select one of the available reload intervals.

The reload values for the tab can be set via a fixed list on the context menu of the tab or through quick commands to set an interval value (in seconds, with a minimum of 60).

There’s also a small countdown animation – a progress bar displayed underneath the tab to show the remaining time until the tab is reloaded automatically.

Periodic Reload of tabs is particularly useful while using other features in the browser. For example:

  • Set a tab with a news site on period reload when using Tab Tiling.
  • Or while working on another tab.
  • Or while refreshing a page that displays random content on every load.
  • Or simply to limit the memory usage of a site if it increases over time.

The Periodic Reload feature can be easily moved into a more convenient location or removed courtesy of the new context menu editing options.

And there’s more:

  • Capture directly to a new note: Capture options now include the ability to capture a screenshot directly into a new note. Users can highlight the part of a page or choose a full page capture and create a note, a very helpful feature for doing research.
  • Choose a new avatar: Users have the option to select a custom image for non synced profiles via a new plus icon in the top left of the profile manager.

“Vivaldi browser is about productivity and flexibility, but it is also all about fun. It puts the user’s individuality and preferences first with playful and endlessly customizable set-ups in the browser. We are trying to capture our users’ imaginations by adding both useful and fun elements in the browser”, Vivaldi CEO Jon von Tetzchner says.

About Vivaldi Technologies

Vivaldi Technologies is an independent, employee-owned company fighting for a better web, proving that tech can be innovative, powerful, and ethical.

At Vivaldi, privacy is the default, and everything’s an option. We don’t profile you, and we don’t sell your data. We build software that works for you, not advertisers–because private and secure browsing shouldn’t be a luxury, it should be the standard.

The Vivaldi Browser is built for those who want more from their browser: more power, more customization, and more respect for their privacy. With its fully customizable interface and a wealth of built-in tools, Vivaldi lets you shape your browser to fit your workflow, unlike any other browser.

Whether you're on Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi, iOS, Android, or Android Automotive, Vivaldi delivers a seamless, feature-rich browsing experience across all your devices.

Vivaldi is built in Europe, headquartered in Oslo, and has offices in Reykjavík, Boston, and Palo Alto.

For more information, please contact:

Haakon Rølmann
[email protected]

For Japan-related queries, please contact:

Kaori Kotobuki
[email protected]

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