Vivaldi has been updated

What's New

We’ve added a new functionality to block adverts that use abusive technologies or are designed to be misleading. There are also new ways to navigate quicker, customize your user profiles, and a lot more.

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Secure surfing with Vivaldi browser


bugs fixed


features added

Block Abusive Ads

Ads using abusive technology are just plain deceptive and misleading and they should be blocked before you even see them in your browser. Our new tool does just this.

Abusive ad-blocking is enabled by default, but can be turned off anytime under Settings > Privacy.

Vivaldi Abusive Adblock Settings

Customize your profiles

Based on your feedback we've made some improvements to managing User Profiles, including: new avatar options, adding/deleting profiles and selecting an avatar directly in the pop-up menu.

Keep the feedback coming!

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