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At Vivaldi browser, we are convinced that it’s important to have a choice. And because we know our community is always interested in learning about more Google alternatives, we keep our eyes and ears open to introduce you to like-minded companies. We’re not here to pitch products; we’re here to share something valuable – an alternative way that’s all about you being in control of your online experience.
As you know, privacy is very important to us. That’s why we not only offer you our Tracker and Ad Blocker, but also the promise that we will not track you. Here is a nice read about why your browser has a huge impact on your privacy.
But not only your browser is crucial to protect your privacy, also your search engine matters. Private search engines, such as Startpage, DuckDuckGo or You.com do not collect user data but keep you safe and private. In the Vivaldi Settings you can easily set your private search engine as a default. Learn more about how surveillance by big tech companies is the biggest threat to our personal privacy and how to keep your online experience private.
There are also phone manufacturers who care for your data privacy that you should know about. After all, who hasn’t heard about some of the creepy tracking attempts of the Big Tech companies? And there are alternatives available on the market.
Volla Phone: Elevating digital privacy
The main priority of Volla Phones is clearly data protection. They are designed around open-source principles, no tracking involved. Volla Phones work without a cloud connection and are based on a free Android without Google Apps and Play services. They replace basic apps like phone calls and address books with curated apps that are also open source, as well as protecting the system with a pre-installed (optional) log-free VPN.
In addition, Volla Phones offer a security mode that reduces the background activities of apps and specifically blocks Internet addresses. This protects your privacy and children from harmful content.
If you are looking for options to be safe from Google and other data giants, Volla Phones can fit in. Find more information here.
Contest Alert: Your chance to win a Volla Phone! 🏆
We’ve got an exciting contest lined up! Win one of two Volla Phones by answering the following question:
Where are Volla Phones manufactured?
Leave your answer in the comments to this article or on our post on Vivaldi Social and maybe win a Volla Phone 22 for yourself.
The contest is open to participants based in the EU, UK, and EFTA regions. Winners will be unveiled on August 25, so mark your calendars!