For more details on Linux ARM and running Vivaldi on a Raspberry Pi, see our previous blog post. Oh and remember to post there with your Raspberry Pi ideas, for a chance to win a new one!
Download (1.14.1036.3)
- Windows: 32-bit for Win7+ | 64-bit for Win7+
- macOS: 10.9+
- Linux DEB: 64-bit (Recommended) | 32-bit | 32-bit ARM (test build)
- Linux RPM: 64-bit (Recommended) | 32-bit
- [Regression][Linux] Crash on closing native windows (VB-35340)
- [Regression][Linux] Unable to add Vivaldi Snapshot to favorites GNOME (VB-34537)
- [Regression][Mac] Only the user who has installed Vivaldi in Applications has the permission to launch it (VB-35083)
- [Regression] Enter does not work on Address Bar when Address Auto-Complete is disabled (VB-34967)
- [Regression] Search engine dropdown and address bar search stop responding when the language is changed (VB-35002)
- [Regression] Slack notification does not show full message from the sender (VB-34628)
- [Regression] Suppress tiles in full-screen video (VB-34704)
- [Regression] Zoom with Ctrl + and Ctrl – fails (VB-34209)
- [Installer]“Register standalone Vivaldi” meaning too ambiguous (VB-35307)
- [Keyboard Shortcuts] Closing a tab with the keyboard shortcut Numpad0 does not work (VB-35167)
- [Sync] Allow revealing sync encryption password during setup (VB-35151)
- [Sync] Sync icon can display both states (VB-35202)
- [Tabs] Pin tab selection by shortcut (VB-35030)