Download (2259.22)
- Windows: 64-bit for Win7+ | 32-bit for Win7+
- macOS: 10.11+
- Linux: DEB 64-bit (Recommended) | DEB 32-bit
- Linux: RPM 64-bit (Recommended) | RPM 32-bit
- Linux: DEB ARM32-bit (Unsupported) | DEB ARM64-bit (Unsupported)
- Linux: non-DEB/RPM [help]
- [Bookmarks] Wrong background color and missing border on the dialog (VB-79081)
- [Crash] Ensure document menu is closed when tab closes (VB-79056)
- [Tabs] Blinking when hovering over the mute icon of an inactive pinned tab (VB-79025)
- [Translate] Dismissing the dialog should affect how often translations are suggested for that language (VB-78931)
- [Translate] Don’t convert zh-Hans/zh-Hant to zh-CN/zh-TW after language detection has run (VB-78965)
- [Translate] Don’t try to translate to a language that the server does not support (VB-78631)
- [Translate] Languages on the server that are not supported by the client show up as ‘Unknown’ (VB-78965)
- [Translate] Support more tags that can break up sentences (VB-79023)
- [Translate] Tweak settings text and position (VB-79066)
- [Windows][Installer] Automatic update notifications are not enabled for system installs made via non-admin users (VB-79079)
- [Windows][Installer] Automatic update notifications may fail for non-admin users (VB-79084)
You can enable the Technical Preview of Mail, Calendar and RSS via “vivaldi://experiments” (you will need to restart the browser after doing so). A separate blog post has more detail on the Vivaldi Mail, Calendar and RSS technical previews.
Main photo by Joshua Hoehne