Known Issues
- [Windows] No delta updates this time
Download (2218.3)
- Windows: 64-bit for Win7+ | 32-bit for Win7+
- macOS: 10.11+
- Linux: DEB 64-bit (Recommended) | DEB 32-bit
- Linux: RPM 64-bit (Recommended) | RPM 32-bit
- Linux: DEB ARM32-bit (Unsupported) | DEB ARM64-bit (Unsupported)
- Linux: non-DEB/RPM [help]
- [Address bar] Not clear on Alt + Enter (VB-77490)
- [Address bar] Nickname searching shows incorrect search string (VB-60002)
- [Address bar] URL text briefly highlighted when starting to load new page (VB-77094)
- [Bookmarks][New] Use page metadata for bookmark thumbnail, description (VB-77152)
- [Chromium] Upgraded to 89.0.4389.76
- [Extensions] Toolbar partly transparent (VB-76605)
- [Menus] Add context menu entry to Hide/Show Start Page Navigation (VB-77309)
- [Menus] Allow customizing built-in tools menu group (VB-76967)
- [Menus] Do not work in pop-up windows (VB-77182)
- [Menus] Password handling missing in menu (VB-77437)
- [Menus][macOS] Add speech menu entries (VB-77496)
- [Menus][macOS] Context menu on links shows the selection context menu (VB-77012)
- [Menus][macOS] Notes not showing up in “Insert Note” context menu (VB-77288)
- [Regression] Settings Window doesn’t have a title (VB-77441)
- [Settings][Search] Make it easier to set/understand Default Search engine (VB-77105)
- [Speed Dial] Add slight blur and opacity (VB-77430)
- [Speed Dial] Remove Image Padding and Restore Original Ratio (VB-77240)
- [Speed Dial] With no thumbnails need color (VB-77368)
- [Tabs] Auto-Created tab stacks ungroup in incorrect order (VB-54403)
- [Tabs] Middle clicking in tab previews can close the wrong tab (VB-77270)
- [Tabs] New tab from full screen video leaves Vivaldi in full screen state (VB-76651)
- [Tabs] Opened in background opens at end of tabs for brief moment (VB-77285)
- [Tabs] Remove gap between tabs and thumbnail previews (VB-77281)
- [Tabs][Settings] “Open Link In New Tab” flashes speed dial before load of web page (VB-77284)
- [macOS] Exiting fullscreen video exit the fullscreen (VB-76734)
Changelog for Mail, Calendar and RSS ongoing Technical Preview
- [Calendar] Add drag to create for multi week and month view (VB-77258)
- [Calendar] Allow parsing of event with same start and end time (VB-77485)
- [Calendar] CalDAV Polling when Calendar Panel / manager gets focus (VB-77379)
- [Calendar] Can not update task time (VB-76844)
- [Calendar] No space between icon and invitee (VB-77532)
- [Calendar] Restore order of last deleted event (VB-77538)
- [Calendar] Rewrites user-entered dates (VB-64643)
- [Calendar] UI grayed after notification is not shown (VB-77215)
- [Mail][New] Import from M2 (VB-63958)
- [RSS] Feeds urls with forward slash cause problems (VB-77161)
- [RSS][New] Add feeds panel first working version (VB-18767)
You can enable the Technical Preview of Mail, Calendar and RSS via “vivaldi://experiments” (you will need to restart the browser after doing so). A separate blog post has more detail on the Vivaldi Mail, Calendar and RSS technical previews.
Main photo by Jude Infantini