Download (2581.4)
- Windows
- macOS
- Linux
- [New][Reading List][Panels] Add a Panel (VB-86282)
- [Address bar] Displays search icon with search disabled (VB-86593)
- [Address bar] The Internal URL Functionality Broken (VB-86189)
- [Address bar][Menus] “Copy without parameters” omits the last character (VB-86635)
- [Blocker] Dialog background size issue on smaller screens (VB-86521)
- [Crash] Immediately upon startup (VB-85524)
- [Drag and Drop] From file manager to window does nothing in some cases (VB-2583)
- [Drag and Drop][Tabs] Drag image doesn’t work anymore (VB-86607)
- [History] Scroll bar hides numbers in week view (VB-85552)
- [macOS] Missing white border on top of window (VB-76917)
- [Reading List][Menus] Add link context menu (VB-86401)
- [Sync][Notes] Gets into a note re-upload loop (VB-86710)
- [Themes] Improve contrast for selected data in the tree view (VB-86611)
Changelog for Mail, Calendar and Feeds Beta
- [Calendar] Can not create calendar from dialog (VB-86500)
- [Calendar] Can not remove event reminder (VB-86377)
- [Calendar] Color is set as #4c70f0 regardless of pre-assigned color (VB-86354)
- [Calendar] Events created offline are never synced (VB-80862)
- [Calendar] Notifications for all day events are not so useful (VB-86225)
- [Calendar] Simplify default calendar handling (VB-86071)
- [Calendar] welcome dialog not shown during first run (VB-86595)
- [Feeds][Keyboard][Commands][Panels] No shortcuts or command (VB-84539)
- [Mail] “From” name incorrectly displayed when the e-mail is the same but the name differs (VB-75707)
- [Mail] “Message not found in _listEntries” shows in logs (VB-86365)
- [Mail] Account root folder shows all messages for all accounts (VB-86337)
- [Mail] Clicking Other folder takes 10s (VB-86245)
- [Mail] Create link box looks bad (VB-83310)
- [Mail] Manual setup of accounts can lead to messages not sent, but put in sent folder (f.x. Fastmail) (VB-86529)
- [Mail] Selecting folder does not clear search (VB-86180)
- [Mail] Show/hide archive status should affect the counters (VB-86082)
- [Mail] panel progress indicators are misleading and sometimes wrong (VB-86501)
Main photo by Christin Hume.