Download (3639.3)
- Windows
- macOS
- Linux
- DEB 64-bit | RPM 64-bit
- 64-bit | ARM64 | ARM [*]
- [Address bar] Input border visible outside dropdown (VB-114696)
- [Address bar] Not matching on two word bookmark (VB-114755)
- [Address bar] Should search in bookmark’s description field (VB-114703)
- [Address bar][Settings] Implement “Show Search Queries in Typed History” (VB-114778)
- [Ad Blocker] Interpret any rule which resolves to a plain host-blocking as a document blocking rule: equivalent to uBlock strict blocking (VB-114709)
- [Bookmarks] Bar overflow expand icon can be partially covered (VB-68104)
- [Bookmarks] The the “»” on the Bookmark Bar does not work (VB-115044)
- [Bookmarks][Panels] Details pane expands to full size when selecting any of the visible fields (VB-90988)
- [Chromium] Update to 134.0.6998.117
- [Crash] Seemingly random crash (VB-111080)
- [Dev Tools][macOS] Expected behaviour of Ctrl+Shift+C (VB-93529)
- [Extensions] Downloads suppressed in extension Pop-out (VB-105791)
- [Extensions] openPanelOnActionClick side-panel behavior implementation (VB-113288)
- [macOS] ⌘+i cannot be unassigned from “Share → Email Link” (VB-107999)
- [Mail] “Reply to all” does not work (VB-114398)
- [Mail] Clicking mail folder should select mail folder AND move focus (VB-43201)
- [Mail] Context menu shows both Mark Read and Mark Unread (VB-94172)
- [Mail] Messages missing from list (VB-114984)
- [Mail] Sent messages right-click menu offers ‘mark as unread’ which does nothing (VB-114318)
- [Mail] Switching between folders fast enough displays the wrong message list (VB-114982)
- [Mail] Tone down mail proxy warning info (VB-115193)
- [Mail] Undoing marking read in Unread not reflected in list (VB-114991)
- [Panels] Muted web panel will play audio when panel is refreshed, despite still being “muted” (VB-105655)
- [Settings] Keyboard shortcut priority layout update (VB-34531)
- [Settings] Search field steals focus after tab switch with Settings in tab (VB-111111)
- [Settings][Downloads] Files download automatically if opening in new tab even if setting says otherwise (VB-114624)
- [Share Vivaldi] Recenter Share dialog (VB-115090)
- [Startup] Add a hint of colour to the launch screen (VB-115062)
- [Tabs] ‘Open link in new tab’ should get its own process (VB-114522)
- [Tabs] Drag and drop from secondary window shows wrong highlight (VB-115056)
- [Tabs] Garbage collection deletes referenced thumbnails (VB-114966)
- [Themes] Restore missing button state variable (VB-96517)
- [Themes][Quick Commands] Increasing the rounding for the theme brings another layer on Quick Command dialog (VB-101319)
- [UI] Shortcuts & Gestures for UI Zoom jump increments +/- 25% at a time (VB-96259)
- [UI][Mail][RSS][Bookmarks] Problems with item list loading (VB-114720)
Main photo by Annie Spratt.