Download (2202.3)
- Windows: 64-bit for Win7+ | 32-bit for Win7+
- macOS: 10.11+
- Linux: DEB 64-bit (Recommended) | DEB 32-bit
- Linux: RPM 64-bit (Recommended) | RPM 32-bit
- Linux: DEB ARM32-bit (Unsupported) | DEB ARM64-bit (Unsupported)
- Linux: non-DEB/RPM [help]
- [New][macOS] Universal Binaries for native support on Apple M1 machines
- [New][Windows] Silent update support, stage 1, silent download of updates: this cannot be tested until the following snapshot
- [New][Menus] Add support for configurable document menus (VB-76801)
- [New][Menus][Tabs] Add item to stack similar tabs, “Stack tabs by Hosts” via context menu (VB-73465)
- [New][Panel][Reload] Support Periodic Reload in web panels (VB-72220)
- [New][Quick Commands][Settings] Search highlight priority options (VB-54530)
- [Address bar] Cannot edit URL on foxnews.com (VB-77016)
- [Address bar] Unexpected auto complete (VB-76610)
- [Chromium] Upgraded to 89.0.4389.53
- [Crash] when ending tab share with getDisplayMedia (VB-76030)
- [Crash][Panels] Guest Profile can open a new window and crash from Window Panel (VB-76738)
- [Crash][Regression] On opening new window within guest profile (VB-76653)
- [Developer Tools] Security Tab does not display information in overview (VB-67178)
- [Downloads] Can’t export Google Contacts (0 bytes) (VB-40929)
- [Keyboard][Settings] Setting Alt+F4 or Shift+Alt+F4 as a hotkey works but it still acts as exit (VB-60364)
- [Linux] Setting the Window controls to the left, causes the Vivaldi menu to overlap the trash (VB-76438)
- [Linux][Regression] Dragging a toolbar button creates a huge white rectangle (VB-76129)
- [macOS] Music does not play on slam.nl (VB-73896)
- [macOS] Windows not resized/repositioned when disconnecting an external monitor (VB-49692)
- [Quick Commands] Internal favicons look rather slim (VB-74475)
- [Quick Commands] Opening bookmark folder with nickname (VB-75834)
- [Quick Commands] Various minor issues (VB-76009)
- [Quick Commands][Calculator] Simple float point calculations are displayed wrongly (VB-75553)
- [Tabs] Double clicking to resize tab stack doesn’t resize tab when tabs are on the sides (VB-76224)
- [Tabs] Improve drag and drop between tab bars (VB-74588)
- [Tabs] Let the keyboard shortcut for opening new tab open inside a stack is open (VB-76433)
- [Tabs] Lock button in two level bar does not change colour (VB-75157)
- [Tabs] Not all cloned tabs from a tab-stack join it (VB-75048)
- [Tabs] Performance issues (VB-76185)
- [Tabs] Popup thumbnails often disappear when second level is open (VB-76828)
- [Tabs] Tab muting can be overridden by site-settings (VB-76083)
- [Tabs] New tab isn’t created as active when inside tab stack (VB-77071)
- [Tabs][Crash] When clicking new tab icon repeatedly on second level of a stack (VB-76552)
- [Tabs][Notes] Manager misbehaves with tiled tabs (VB-76326)
- [Tabs][Regression] “Remove tab spacing in maximized windows” no longer works for bottom tab bar position (VB-76231)
- [Tabs][Regression] Can’t display tab bar in full screen (VB-76386)
- [Tabs][Regression] New tab button is not centered in second level with tabs on the sides (VB-76440)
- [Tabs][Regression] New tab page is slow to select/focus within second row of tabs (VB-75748)
- [Tabs][Stacking] Border corner radius indicator wrong for tabs on the bottom (VB-76501)
- [Themes][Regression] Very dark colors can cause freezes (VB-76478)
- [Themes][Regression] White flash when loading websites from Speed Dial with dark mode enabled (VB-69225)
- [Trash] Restoring closed window with several tabs restores last closed tab instead (VB-74091)
- [UI] Status info overlay is appearing on top of fullscreen videos (VB-12219)
- [UI][Regression] Freezes after a period of inactivity (VB-75959)
- [UI][Regression] Page Flashed on URLs starting with vivaldi: (VB-76323)
- [Windows] Desktop shortcut gets wrong name after drag from address field (VB-47827)
Changelog for Mail, Calendar and RSS ongoing Technical Preview
- [Calendar] CalDav calendar from Zimbra does not sync (VB-76266)
- [Calendar] An ‘All Day’ event appears in previous day (VB-76228)
- [Calendar] All day does not include last day (VB-75935)
- [Calendar] Apple iCloud CalDAV support (VB-74669)
- [Calendar] CalDAV Tasks with not due date end up on current day (VB-76142)
- [Calendar] CalDAV colors on Fastmail server are not synched (VB-76676)
- [Calendar] CalDAV can not set up GMX.com account (VB-76431)
- [Calendar] CalDAV Xml parser exception (VB-74523)
- [Calendar] Cannot create more than one task (VB-75569)
- [Calendar] Changing the time zone changes the time (VB-75455)
- [Calendar] Editing of event recurrence creates a duplicate (VB-75802)
- [Calendar] Event from Google calendar not synced (VB-76459)
- [Calendar] Export to file outputs exception event as an individual event (VB-76207)
- [Calendar] Invite email sent to organizer (VB-76357)
- [Calendar] Recurring event not deleted from server (VB-76139)
- [Calendar] Stuck in event creation state (VB-75956)
- [Calendar] Sync changes for “This and Upcoming” to CalDAV server (VB-76211)
- [Calendar][Regression] Respect Update Interval for accounts in settings (VB-76392)
- [Mail] Deduplicate within batches of incoming messages (VB-76430)
- [Mail] Error when double clicking panel folder (VB-63960)
- [Mail] Error when removing an account (VB-75907)
- [Mail] Filtering gets stuck on an empty request
- [Mail] From-field, add to contacts, no messages displayed (VB-76090)
- [Mail][Regression] Deleting mails very, very slow in large folders (VB-70793)
- [RSS] Add Show-original button to XML preview (VB-76014)
- [RSS] Detect linked Youtube video and embed inline instead of linking (VB-76012)
- [RSS] Make embedded YouTube links use the nocookie URL (VB-76079)
- [RSS] Youtube channel feed is added but nothing shows up (VB-75774)
You can enable the Technical Preview of Mail, Calendar and RSS via “vivaldi://experiments” (you will need to restart the browser after doing so). A separate blog post has more detail on the Vivaldi Mail, Calendar and RSS technical previews.
Main photo by Atle Mo.