Known Issues
- [macOS] Crash on checking for updates if no new version is released: checks happen once every 24 hours
Download (2312.3)
- Windows: 64-bit for Win7+ | 32-bit for Win7+
- macOS: 10.11+
- Linux: DEB 64-bit | RPM 64-bit
- Linux: DEB ARM32-bit (Unsupported) | DEB ARM64-bit (Unsupported)
- Linux: non-DEB/RPM [help]
- [New] Onboarding Welcome step redesign (VB-73259)
- [New] Change the behaviour for suggesting making the browser the default (VB-74506)
- [Address bar] Dialog styling is broken (VB-80022)
- [Address bar] The welcome page URL is sometimes left in the URL field on new profile (VB-79974)
- [Bookmarks] Webpage can’t be saved to bookmark if the last used bookmark folder is deleted (VB-80073)
- [Bookmarks][Panel][Menus] All Open Pages menu does not work (VB-79952)
- [Clock] Analog clock in clock popup is not correct (VB-79996)
- [Crash] Vivaldi don’t open (VB-79898)
- [Linux][Regression] Bookmarks/folders copy, cut & paste doesn’t work (VB-79879)
- [Tabs] Opening a link in a new (foreground) tab from tiled tab doesn’t work (VB-74417)
- [Tabs] Opening a link in a tiled view causes the new tab to be tiled (VB-73965)
- [Tabs] Wrong tab position used at startup (VB-80083)
- [Themes] New dark/light background images for 4.0 (VB-80025)
- [Translate] Dialog cut off if search field not shown (VB-79970)
- [Translate] Limited support for <ruby> and related tags (VB-80080)
- [Translate] Speed optimization (VB-79886)
- [Translate][Address bar] Correctly position translate when at the bottom (VB-80150)
- [UI][Regression] vivaldi://about doesn’t show profile path, exe path, license information, OS version info (VB-79651)
- [macOS] Choosing to restart after update only shuts it down (VB-80008)
Changelog for Mail, Calendar and RSS Beta
- [New][Calendar] Onboarding process / first run experience (VB-68848)
- [New][Mail] Onboarding process / first run experience (VB-7273)
- [Calendar] Deleting/editing recurring events does not propagate to Vivaldi (VB-72555)
- [Calendar] Dialog mode in day view cut by panel (VB-79806)
- [Calendar] Divider lines in multi-week and month view disappear after “fold” (VB-80131)
- [Calendar] Improved handling of setting up and deleting of accounts (VB-80024)
- [Calendar] No default value when creating event notifications (VB-75337)
- [Mail] Fixed errors related to unsubscribing a folder (VB-79460)
- [Mail] New default signature (VB-80036)
- [Mail] Search does not indicate that it is searching (VB-79967)
- [Mail][Keyboard] Shortcut settings for are gone (VB-79013)
- [Mail][Panel] Not possible to edit a contact when Contacts panel is hidden (VB-80037)
- [RSS] Fixed broken CNN feeds (VB-80160)
You can enable the Technical Preview of Mail, Calendar and RSS via “vivaldi://experiments” (you will need to restart the browser after doing so). A separate blog post has more detail on the Vivaldi Mail, Calendar and RSS technical previews.
Main photo by Elena Mozhvilo