Known Issues
- [Windows][Updater] No delta updates today
Download (2160.3)
- Windows: 64-bit for Win7+ | 32-bit for Win7+
- macOS: 10.10+
- Linux: DEB 64-bit (Recommended) | DEB 32-bit
- Linux: RPM 64-bit (Recommended) | RPM 32-bit
- Linux: DEB ARM32-bit (Unsupported) | DEB ARM64-bit (Unsupported)
- Linux: non-DEB/RPM [help]
- [Address bar] Content no longer selected on new tab/new window (VB-73936)
- [Address bar] Some URLs containing spaces triggers searches (VB-75336)
- [Address bar][Settings] Show full address does not update already opened tabs (VB-74338)
- [Bookmarks] Searching does not show the children of a matched folder (VB-75712)
- [Chromium] Upgraded to 88.0.4324.76
- [Configurable menus][Panels] Make download list menu configurable (VB-75428)
- [Configurable menus][Panels] Make window list menu configurable (VB-75257)
- [Linux] Browser constantly crashes: potential fix (VB-75391)
- [Linux] Signing key updated
- [Linux][Windows][Menus] Separators can be displayed at end of main menus (VB-75450)
- [Notes] ‘Go to URL’ does not work in manager (VB-72162)
- [Notes] Improve search (VB-72567)
- [Notes] Manager replaces note tabs when new note created (VB-64498)
- [Notes] Note opened in a tab is blank after restart (VB-64369)
- [Notes] Slow Notes Manager (VB-74259)
- [Panels] Use same code to fetch favicons for Tabs and Web panels (VB-75761)
- [Panels][Menus][Regression] Check-mark missing from Separate Width setting (VB-75777)
- [Quick Commands][Bookmarks] Partial matching in quick commands bookmark search (VB-74998)
- [Regression] HiDPI displays don’t work with “Styled find in page” (VB-73060)
- [Settings] Hangouts is controlled by Chromecast media-router (VB-75371)
- [Settings] Icons are wrong size (VB-75383)
- [Sync][Settings] Sync settings are empty in private window but should just be unavailable (VB-71664)
- [Tabs] Activate Right in Tab Order Close Tab Activation not always working (VB-75509)
- [Tabs] Cycler getting stuck (VB-43227)
- [Tabs] If Tab Bar Visible is set to false, the menubar still expands when viewing a stack (VB-75571)
- [Tabs] Moving a tab stack into a new window breaks the tab stack and tiling (VB-75218)
- [Tabs] Reopened tab from multi-line tab-stack doesn’t rejoin the stack (VB-75006)
- [Tabs] Reversed Tab Order with “As Tab Stack with Related Tab” (VB-75435)
- [Tabs][Menus] Null openerTabId for chrome.tabs.Tab opened with “Search with” feature (VB-54472)
- [Tabs][Panels][Regression] Adding and deleting tabs in window panel fails (VB-75381)
- [Tabs][Regression] Closing 2nd last tab in stack does not remove the stack (VB-75432)
- [Tabs][Regression] Internal pages cannot be cloned (VB-75251)
- [Windows][Regression] Full screening enters a broken state after minimizing to system tray (VB-75356)
- [macOS] Update Sparkle update library to version 1.24
Changelog for Mail, Calendar and RSS ongoing Technical Preview
- [Calendar] Dragging event to all day row in day view does not make all day (VB-75452)
- [Calendar] Fix no calendars dialog on startup (VB-74126)
- [Calendar] Parser error on Fastmail calendar sync: Improved logic for CalDAV service discovery (VB-75007)
- [Calendar] Support Cut/Copy Paste events (VB-75405)
- [Calendar] Support Editing exceptions for recurring events with CalDAV (VB-75203)
- [Calendar][Keyboard] Page single-key shortcuts ignore modifier keys (VB-75717)
- [Calendar][Menus] Add context menu options to copy and paste (VB-75405)
- [Calendar][Regression] “Change External Event” pops up a dialog when dragging local event (VB-75384)
- [Calendar][keyboard][Regression] Can not change tab in editor with pageup/down for task (VB-75451)
- [Mail] Error on startup – viewId for SLE not found (VB-75150)
- [Mail] Filtering requests in DB upgrade scripts should be low priority (VB-75495)
- [Mail] Full mail address not always detected and linked in message body (VB-75099)
- [Mail] Offline accounts shall not try to set flags on server (VB-75446)
- [Mail] Offline accounts should not try to fetch the message body (VB-75549)
- [Mail] Prefetch Count is Wrong (VB-74788)
- [Mail] date quoted reply has English date format for non English users (VB-75043)
- [Mail]Regression] Turning mail client off and on duplicates messages in list (VB-75444)
- [Mail][Regression] Opening compose window got slower (VB-72952)
- [Mail][Regression] Slow startup (VB-75375)
- [RSS] Allow embedded videos, like YouTube to fullscreen (VB-75348)
- [RSS] Better YouTube feeds detection (VB-75235)
- [RSS][Panels][Menus] Add rename feed option (VB-74522)
You can enable the Technical Preview of Mail, Calendar and RSS via “vivaldi://experiments” (you will need to restart the browser after doing so). A separate blog post has more detail on the Vivaldi Mail, Calendar and RSS technical previews.
Main photo by Anne Nygård