Known Issues
- [Themes] Sometimes themes are broken on startup (VB-83803)
Download (2457.3)
- Windows: 64-bit for Win7+ | 32-bit for Win7+
- macOS: 10.11+
- Linux: DEB 64-bit | RPM 64-bit
- Linux: DEB ARM32-bit | DEB ARM64-bit
- Linux: non-DEB/RPM [help]
- [New][Page Actions] Handle page actions as commands (VB-82950)
- [Bookmarks] Duplicate text overlaid on javascript and mailto URLs (VB-81608)
- [Capture] Sometimes the resizers and dotted line appear in the screenshot (VB-83169)
- [Chromium] Upgraded to 94.0.4606.81
- [Crash][Search][Settings] On clicking the “Post” checkbox (VB-83488)
- [Menus][PWA][Speed Dials] Useless “Create shortcut…” context menu item (VB-83236)
- [Panel] Can’t open “windows with N tabs” in window panel (VB-83590)
- [Panels] Download panel doesn’t provide enough space for Japanese strings (VB-83471)
- [Performance] Enable backward/forward cache by default (VB-83644)
- [Performance][Address bar] Improve performance by doing less re-rendering (VB-83559)
- [Performance][Tabs] Fewer avoidable re-renders while dragging tabs (VB-83498)
- [Quick Commands] Should take history state into account with autocomplete (VB-83489)
- [Quick Commands] Tune history search (VB-82876)
- [Reader Mode] Failing in some cases when it should not (VB-83689)
- [Tabs] When tab bar is hidden, a new tab from a stack opens outside the stack (VB-79128)
- [Translate] Selection button and popup might end up below the page (VB-83429)
- [Translate] Selection translate affects page layout (VB-81769)
- [Translate] The drop down list is not immediately updated with new languages (VB-83500)
Changelog for Mail, Calendar and RSS Beta
- [Calendar][Keyboard] Define command for shortcuts compatible with Google calendar: allows for shortcuts to be different between Browser, Calendar and Mail (VB-83320)
- [Calendar] Cannot connect to NextCloud CalDAV (VB-74906)
- [Calendar] Empty event with default notification is saved (VB-83664)
- [Calendar] Hide “+” when editing event (VB-64642)
- [Calendar] Imported ICS calendar containing events with no range doesn’t sync (VB-82935)
- [Calendar] Store and use credentials when accessing Web Calendar (VB-83462)
- [Calendar] Task done status not synced in CalDAV (VB-83453)
- [Mail] Import from M2 does not always put sent messages in sent folder (VB-83540)
- [Mail] Mail status popup fails for BCC-messages (VB-83623)
- [Mail] Messages sent to self don’t show in ‘received’ (VB-74552)
- [Mail] POP errors are too generic (VB-83516)
- [Mail] Undo fails at times (VB-64787)
Main photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel