Download (2488.3)
- Windows: Win7+ 64-bit | Win7+ 32-bit
- macOS: 10.11+ Universal
- Linux: DEB 64-bit | RPM 64-bit
- Linux: DEB ARM64 | RPM ARM64
- Linux: DEB ARM | RPM ARM
- Linux: non-DEB/RPM [help]
- [Capture] Missing UI for screenshot of area (VB-83510)
- [Chain Commands] Add parameter to search with selection command: to specify search engine (VB-81860)
- [Chromium] Upgraded to 96.0.4664.51
- [Downloads] Panel/popup says “download history empty” even with history (VB-84398)
- [Gestures] In popups does not work (VB-84344)
- [Keyboard] Focus broken in many dialogs (VB-83908)
- [Linux][Update][Apt] Users on multilib systems are confused/concerned by an Apt ‘Notice’ (N:) and interpret it as an update Error/Failure (E:)
- [Settings] Theme shows in every settings search (VB-84381)
- [Speed Dial] Cannot rename bookmark by clicking on the title; cut/copy/paste in the title field doesn’t work (VB-81991)
- [Tabs] Second level stacked tabs are not well rendered on the left or right (VB-84322)
- [Themes] Blur range is wrong (VB-84306)
- [Themes] Make the install button dynamic based on install status (VB-84303)
- [Themes] Previous page’s accent color blinks when switching to another tab (VB-84313)
- [Themes] UI should check for duplicate id for the imported theme (VB-84326)
- [Themes][Settings] Accent color is not applied until user clicks inside page (VB-84253)
- [Themes][Settings] Allow typing a hex colour code in the editor (VB-84273)
- [Themes][Settings] Scheduled themes don’t work (VB-84348)
- [Themes][Settings] Scheduler remove button does not work (VB-84287)
Changelog for Mail, Calendar and Feeds Beta
- [Calendar] Prevent update of web calendar from invite email (VB-84178)
- [Calendar] Show upcoming events in Calendar status popup (VB-84294)
- [Mail] List sorting (VB-28216)
- [Mail] Wrong hover color on dropdown toolbar buttons (VB-84409)
- [Mail][Themes] Links are unreadable as they’re displayed in white (Vivaldi theme) (VB-84290)
Main photo by Pawel Czerwinski