Ad Attribution
We recently found out from our search partners that revenue was unusually low, because the tracker blocker was preventing ad attribution. As the ad markets have changed drastically in recent years, seeing and clicking an ad is no longer sufficient. Ad attribution is needed for us to be paid by our partners. We’re now trying out a fix to see if it will work as originally intended. With this fix ads are only attributed when you intentionally click an ad. This fix will only be tested in our Snapshot builds for now, so if you use Vivaldi Stable you won’t see anything about ad attribution. More information on Ad attribution.
Known Issues
- Sync is not currently working for everyone: see vivaldistatus.com
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- DEB 64-bit | RPM 64-bit
- 64-bit | ARM64 | ARM [*]
- [Address bar] Local files labelled “Not Secure” (VB-112029)
- [Chromium] Updated to 132.0.6834.40
- [Crash Recovery] All tabs from all workspaces restored to the root workspace (VB-112034)
- [Crash Recovery] Triggers on upgrades (VB-111995)
- [Crash] While moving dashboard tabs from window to window (VB-111922)
- [Crash] press the page information lock icon the browser closes sporadically (VB-112132)
- [Crash][macOS] When downloading QR code from share button in address bar (VB-111886)
- [Dashboard] Weekly weather table alignment (VB-112130)
- [Extensions] Do not always work on opening pages in a new tab (VB-109480)
- [Feeds] Filters for folders not run after adding new filters in feed restoration (VB-112114)
- [Mail] Automatic prefetch mechanism can leave client idling in wrong folder (VB-112144)
- [Mail] Some users are not getting new mail (VB-112020)
- [Settings] Vivaldi menu icon hover does not follow the rounded corners setting (VB-112137)
- [Speed Dial] Disable autocompletion (VB-112190)
- [Toolbars][Extension] Icon is doubled (VB-112094)
- [UI] Add an option to automatically make a unique filename from “Save as”: follow up fix (VB-110649)
Main photo by Ruarí Ødegaard.