Download (2328.3)
- Windows: 64-bit for Win7+ | 32-bit for Win7+
- macOS: 10.11+
- Linux: DEB 64-bit | RPM 64-bit
- Linux: DEB ARM32-bit (Unsupported) | DEB ARM64-bit (Unsupported)
- Linux: non-DEB/RPM [help]
- [New][Tabs] Accordion style stacks (VB-41386)
- [New][Windows][Autoupdate] Enable silent updates for single user and standalone installs (VB-76202)
- [Autoupdate] Show the next Vivaldi version in the popup (VB-80034)
- [Autoupdate] vivaldi://about/ should show pending update (VB-80211)
- [Bookmarks] dialog is displayed above pop-up window when address bar is at the bottom (VB-56828)
- [Bookmarks][Keyboard] Folder can not be cut and pasted (VB-79848)
- [Keyboard] Setting Alt+F4 or Shift+Alt+F4 as a hotkey works but it still acts as exit (VB-60364)
- [Menus] Emojis get underlined (VB-80397)
- [Menus] Panel context menu (or no menu) opens on right-click after opening page from Bookmarks menu (VB-74891)
- [Menus][History] Empty context menu (VB-78013)
- [Notes] Opening attachments makes the browser behave buggy (VB-80338)
- [Notes][Menus][Panels] Items in the panel do not get greyed out when cut via context menu (VB-80367)
- [Panels] Blur effect broken in overflow panel (VB-80035)
- [Settings] Button not working / not opening (VB-80437)
- [Speed Dial] Thumbnail is not clickable in some areas (VB-80535)
- [Tabs] Significantly less room for Speed Dial tabs (VB-79317)
- [Tabs] Slow when dragging tabs (VB-80372)
- [Tabs] Unread tabs marked as Read in Tab Stacks (VB-12966)
- [Tabs] When tiled tab is closed after tiling width has been changed, corresponding tiled area becomes grey (VB-75322)
- [Translate] Duplicate languages in language dropdown list (VB-80377)
- [Translate] Gather more strings than just 1-3 when scrolling to improve the experience and reduce server requests (VB-80346)
- [Translate] Hebrew not detected correctly (VB-80413)
- [Translate] Some text content is not translated on some pages due to html comments (VB-80433)
Changelog for Mail, Calendar and RSS Beta
- [Calendar] Deleting Google Tasks Lists (VB-80582)
- [Calendar] Update invite crash fix (VB-79866)
- [Mail] Cannot see body of message when too many recipients in composer (VB-80388)
- [Mail] Error in console “Listener already exists: vivaldi.rss.settings” when setting up mail account (VB-80209)
- [Mail] Errors in console during onboarding (VB-80162)
- [Mail] Pasting comma separated email addresses with extra spaces into composer fails (VB-80390)
- [Mail] Translation missing in mail client (VB-19931)
- [Mail][Calendar] Onboarding not closed on click outside (VB-80174)
- [Mail][Calendar][Feeds][Contacts][Panel] Not displaying for users on upgrade (VB-80586)
- [Mail][Keyboard] Rename mailing list with F2 broken (VB-80270)
Main photo by Dominik Vanyi