Download (2406.21)
- Windows: 64-bit for Win7+ | 32-bit for Win7+
- macOS: 10.11+
- Linux: DEB 64-bit | RPM 64-bit
- Linux: DEB ARM32-bit (Unsupported) | DEB ARM64-bit (Unsupported)
- Linux: non-DEB/RPM [help] (Remember to upgrade the script!)
- [Bookmarks] Make all bookmarklet icons look the same (VB-82589)
- [Chains] Periodic Reload only works at 60 seconds (VB-81363)
- [Chains][Settings] Does not appear in Quick Actions, unless “Bookmarks” is checked in ‘Quick Commands > Search Types and Priority’ (VB-81869)
- [Chains][Settings] Use Label as Tooltip (VB-81559)
- [Chromium] Upgraded to 93.0.4577.69
- [Crash] When opening links from private window popup (VB-82142)
- [Crash] When wheel-clicking quoted tweets (VB-77203)
- [Keyboard] “Go to Parent Directory” has wrongly an empty string by default
- [Linux][Media] Proprietary media will not work ‘out of the box’ for some users (VB-82689)
- [Linux][Media] Update proprietary codecs to 93.0.4577.58
- [QR] code dialog opens only once (VB-82573)
- [Settings] Rename ‘home’ to ‘homepage’ under ‘Keyboard > Page’ (VB-81710)
- [Settings] “Minimize All” does not work on all windows (VB-82486)
- [Translate] Adapt the theme colors used in the UI also for the overlay (VB-82593)
- [Translate] Update styling to support dark/light OS theme (VB-82457)
- [macOS] Ignore temporary connectivity issues for upgrade notification (VB-82264)
Changelog for Mail, Calendar and RSS Beta
- [Calendar] CalDAV invalid sync token or out of sync (VB-82591)
- [Calendar] Setting up CalDAV iCloud account hangs (VB-82615)
- [Mail] Saved filters fail to filter from: and to: correctly (VB-82676)
Main photo by Fallon Michael