Vivaldi has been updated

What's New

Vivaldi 3.2 adds a mute button to Pop-out Video (Picture-in-Picture) and includes overall improvements and security fixes.

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Pop-out video mute/unmute button in Vivaldi browser.


bugs fixed


features added

Welcome to a more complete Pop-out Video

Play, mute, and watch videos more intuitively in a separate, movable, resizable, floating window with Pop-out Video.

We add a critical piece to the puzzle of this much-loved feature. Say hi to the mute button! Turn sound on and off while watching videos in a pop-out window with just one click.

Pop-out Video mute button.

More ways to control sound in Pop-out Video

Check out the powerful controls of sound behavior in Vivaldi browser! In addition to using the mute button, you can right-click on the tab of the video to control the sound. You can also use Quick Commands or Mute Tab Audio in Settings.

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