Release candidate feedback
To help us get 2.9 out the door as soon as possible, please focus your feedback on serious regressions since 2.8 stable. If you want to ask about new (post 2.9) features or longstanding issues, please do so on our forums.
Note: This build will receive updates from the snapshot autoupdate stream. Even if there are no additional changes, Vivaldi will be rebuilt for the stable autoupdate stream, resulting in another version number change. Further translations will also be applied.
Download (1705.30)
- Windows: 64-bit for Win7+ | 32-bit for Win7+
- macOS: 10.10+
- Linux: DEB 64-bit (Recommended) | DEB 32-bit
- Linux: RPM 64-bit (Recommended) | RPM 32-bit
- Linux: DEB ARM32-bit (Unsupported) | DEB ARM64-bit (Unsupported)
- Linux: non-DEB/RPM [help]
- [Crash] Starting the browser with a DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error page leads to crash (VB-58594)
- [Settings] Switching between settings sections displays an unexpected URL (VB-59237)
- [Linux] ‘Proprietary media’ is not being setup correctly on RPM based systems (VB-59143)
- [Linux] ‘Proprietary media’ and Widevine are not being setup correctly via the snapshot install script (VB-59314)
- [Linux] A warning is displayed on install via zypper/OpenSUSE
- Updated translations
Main photo by Zoltan Tasi