Tip #665

Keep conversations private on Vivaldi Social.

In addition to public posts, you can send direct messages on Vivaldi Social, which will be visible only to those who you mention/tag in the message. If you want to allude to someone, but don’t want them to see the message, exclude the @ symbol from in front of their user handle.

All private conversations can be viewed and managed on the “Private mentions” page.

To send a private message:

  1. Compose your message.
  2. In the message, mention everyone who should see it.
  3. From the message options menu, for visibility select “Specific people”.
  4. Click “Post” to send the message.

Please note that private messages on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted, so be cautious of the information you share.

Vivaldi Social open in the Vivaldi Browser. An arrow points to the post editor's visibility setting menu, where "Specific people" has been selected.

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