Tip #663

Keep the Tab Bar only for tabs by moving or hiding the other buttons.

In Vivaldi, you can customize aspects you might have not even known could be customized, for example, on the Tab Bar.

To hide the Synced and Closed Tabs buttons:

  1. Go to Settings > Tabs > Tab Display > Tab Bar.
  2. Disable “Display Trash Can” and/or “Display Synced Tabs Button”.

Please note that to open tabs sent from other synced devices using the “Send to Device” feature you need to have the Synced Tabs button enabled.

To hide the Workspaces menu:

  1. Go to Settings > Tabs > Workspaces.
  2. Disable “Show Workspaces in the Tab Bar”.

When the Tab Bar buttons have been hidden, you can access your Workspaces, and Synced and Closed Tabs from the Windows Panel.

To move the menu and window control buttons (minimize, maximize, close):

  1. Go to Settings > Appearance > Menu > Menu Position.
  2. Select “Horizontal”.

This will move the menu and window control buttons to their own toolbar.

Vivaldi Browser window with a Tab Bar where the main menu and window control buttons have been moved, and Workspaces menu, Synced Tabs and Closed Tabs buttons have been hidden.

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