Tip #324

Use Vivaldi Feeds to keep up with the latest news.

Instead of checking the news on each site separately or relying on the news site’s social media channel, you can subscribe to the site’s RSS feed and see the latest titles from multiple sources in one place, Vivaldi Feeds.

To add your favorite news site to Vivaldi Feeds:

  1. Make sure Mail, Calendar and Feeds are enabled in Settings > Feeds.
  2. Open the news website.
  3. Click on the Feeds icon on the right side of the Address Field*.
  4. Select the feed you want to subscribe to and click on Subscribe to subscribe to it immediately or on Preview to view the latest posts in the feed and then subscribe.

You’ll immediately receive the latest articles in Vivaldi Feeds and new ones will be fetched as the articles are published.

* If you don’t see the Feeds icon on the homepage, check the site’s sub-pages as they may have split their feeds into multiple categories. Alternatively, search for their RSS feed link on their website.

News site that offers feeds open in Vivaldi browser being added to Vivaldi Feeds.

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