Doodle your commands
In addition to existing gesture set, we bring you option to create new command gestures, or edit and remove existing ones. New gestures are added by recording hand-drawn shapes, subsequently translated to a final gesture consisting of up to five horizontal or vertical strokes.

To provide some feedback on performed gestures, issued commands are now reported in the Status Bar.
Tab improvements
New Tab Page setting allows to choose any webpage as new tab starting point. We plan to expand the choice by Vivaldi internal pages soon.
The tab selection is also worth mentioning: multiple selected tabs can be closed by keyboard shortcut all at once now. Tab selection now intelligently modifies the contextual menu so you can apply any command to whole group of tabs as easily as to a single tab. Tab selection behavior itself can now be fine-tuned in tab settings as well.
Much more
We could go on in detail but let’s resort to brief highlights:
- We are experimenting with single-click activated bookmarks in Bookmark panel.
- Minimum and maximum page zoom range was expanded to 20% and 500% respectively, and manual entry input was added under the zoom percentage indicator in Status Bar.
- Address field now sports new keyboard shortcuts, Alt+Enter opens the currently edited URL in a new tab and Alt+Shift+Enter in the background.
- We even had time for some graphical touches, such as new Add Bookmark button, updated tree icons and new default document favicon.
- Catalan localization was added: feliç navegació!
If all above wasn’t enough, you can dive into the change log below but downloading the snapshot and exploring for yourself might be even more fun!
Download (1.2.470.11)
- Windows: 32-bit for Win7+ (Recommended) | 64-bit for Win7+
- Mac: 10.9+
- Linux DEB: 64-bit (Recommended) | 32-bit
- Linux RPM: 64-bit (Recommended) | 32-bit
- [Mac] Double clicking the tab field opens new tab and resizes window (VB-16033)
- [Mac] Optional setting to not close the window when closing last tab (VB-11667)
- about:blank opens in default search (VB-12741)
- Add Bookmark icon in SVG (VB-16118)
- Add current tabs to startup options (VB-6101)
- Add edit field for page zoom (VB-16222)
- Add global setting for “Never save passwords” (VB-15331)
- Adding bookmark with nickname adds nickname as a description (VB-4390)
- Alt+D doesn’t activate Horizontal menu “Datei” in german (VB-15812)
- Alt+Enter in address field should open Search result in new tab and Alt+Shift+Enter in new background tab (VB-12364)
- At most 20 bookmarks can be opened at the same time (VB-12838)
- Bookmark Bar: Entering edit mode second time moves bookmark to extender menu and hides following (VB-16101)
- Cannot define my own start page to replace Speed Dial (VB-11682)
- Cannot enable Search suggestions (VB-14906)
- “Close tabs to the right/left” tab context menu (VB-2132)
- ⌘/Ctrl+W ignores tab selection (VB-16023)
- “Danger” style should be applied to actionable buttons only (VB-16988)
- Disable autofill in text boxes (VB-16164)
- “Download extensions” quick command is not working (VB-11531)
- Dragging URL from URL field doesn’t work (VB-16302)
- Empty notes panel shows edit field for nonexistent folder (VB-10334)
- Empty section in tab menu (VB-17067)
- Extension buttons is updated for all windows, not the window owning the tab (VB-16970)
- History navigation issues on internal pages (VB-16550)
- If the home page is set as startup option the speed dial is opened as well (VB-9683)
- Ignored nickname for bookmarks folders (VB-2282)
- Implement suggests in search field: for DDG, Wikipedia and Bing (VB-14822)
- Improve discoverability of sorting in Bookmarks Panel (VB-15838)
- Interface zoom is resets after pushing the “Back” button (VB-13217)
- Issues with Top Sites file size handling (VB-15803)
- Keyboard modifiers not respected when a bookmark opens from the panel (VB-16886)
- Option to open a bookmark with a single mouse click (VB-16878)
- Webpage zoom level range expanded to 20% – 500% (VB-14878)
- [Mac] Menu items not working with no open window (VB-10703)
- Minimize Pinned Tab on Close should be configurable (VB-16558)
- Drop URLs on tab bar and tabs (VB-1369)
- Editable gesture settings (VB-507)
- Notes edit field: cursor jumps to end of text (VB-3453)
- Related Tab Activation order stand-alone setting (VB-16568)
- Simplify styling of Extension buttons (VB-16372)
- Tab search in F2 dialog does not list tabs of other windows (VB-13664)
- Tab Selection Not Implemented for all actions (VB-16842)
- Tab Selection Settings (VB-16556)
- Vivaldi browser doesn’t open refs like xn--80abnhcmtpndbnmh.xn--p1ai (VB-15386)
- Vivaldi crash with Alarm Ninja extension (VB-16329)
- Wrong link when you go to bookmark via F2 menu (VB-16895)
- XMarks Sync closes the browser (VB-14681)