We’ve been busy this summer fixing some more necessary bugs. Today’s Snapshot addresses 14 regressions and makes a handful of fixes for pesky issues.
Take a look and as always, if you find anything that doesn’t quite work as it should, let us know.
Download (1259.3)
- Windows: 32-bit for Win7+ | 64-bit for Win7+
- macOS: 10.9+
- Linux DEB: 64-bit (Recommended) | 32-bit
- Linux RPM: 64-bit (Recommended) | 32-bit
- Linux Unsupported DEB: ARM32-bit | ARM64-bit
- [Regression][Linux] Mouse Back and Forward Buttons skip two pages VB-41394
- [Regression][Mac] Alt+E keyboard shortcut crashes Vivaldi VB-42032
- [Regression][Mac] Blank tab/crash when inspecting page with undocked dev tools VB-41826
- [Regression][Mac] Corners are not rounded for all users VB-41851
- [Regression][Mac] Main menu commands not working in settings popup window VB-41912
- [Regression] Can’t zoom hibernated tabs after first access VB-41787
- [Regression] Crash when Authenticator extension is installed VB-41768
- [Regression] Download progress & notification missing VB-41969
- [Regression] Empty download panel with download in progress VB-41700
- [Regression] Open notes folders close on toggling the panel VB-42127
- [Regression] Pressing esc to close speed dial drawer is broken VB-42076
- [Regression] Select the content of the address field before creating a context menu VB-41760
- [Regression] URL field delayed selection VB-41907
- [Regression] Wrong language selected in the settings VB-41652
- [Dev Tools] Crash when opening developer tools with extensions enabled VB-41971
- [Dev Tools] Single key shortcuts triggered when editing in docked devtools VB-42118
- [Extension] Extension options pages don’t have favicons in tabs VB-9447
- [Settings] Hardware acceleration missing in Vivaldi settings VB-11517
- [Sync] Save the creation date of passwords VB-41707
- [Tabs] Right mouse button + wheel tab cycler stuck after mouse move VB-41399
- [Tab cycler] Tab cycling in recently used order breaks VB-42002
- [UI] Icons remain black in dark theme VB-42215
- Page Action “Filter Invert” fails VB-10695
- Scroll bars resilient to corner rounding and more at home on Windows VB-41576
- Wrong font for Traditional Chinese VB-42064