Movable Web Panels
We have been looking at your recent feature requests for 1.14 and picked out one of the requests with the highest number of upvotes, an Option to reorder websites that are in Web Panel. So for today’s Snapshot we implemented exactly that! Thanks JuniorSilva30 for asking for it and all of you who upvoted it. We will continue to look through your requests and do what we can. Remember this is your browser, as much as it is ours.
Oh, and if you are new to Web Panels, they are a fantastic way of keeping up to date with social media, messaging your friends and family, or for watching a video whilst you work on something else, without the need to constantly switch tabs. Vivaldi’s panel support is unique, in a modern browser. You can seamlessly and easily add any page you like as a panel and we will even do our best to present it in a way that is optimized for panel viewing. To learn more, check out our Web Panel help page.
P.S. As an extra bonus (since we like to go the extra mile), you can now also reorganize the built in Vivaldi panels too!
Download (1.14.1038.3)
- Windows: 32-bit for Win7+ | 64-bit for Win7+
- macOS: 10.9+
- Linux DEB: 64-bit (Recommended) | 32-bit | 32-bit ARM (test build)
- Linux RPM: 64-bit (Recommended) | 32-bit
- [New] Web Panel order now can be changed VB-18427
- [Search Engines] Engine order changes in document context search menu VB-35461
- Chromium security fixes