Download (1862.3)
- Windows: 64-bit for Win7+ | 32-bit for Win7+
- macOS: 10.10+
- Linux: DEB 64-bit (Recommended)| DEB 32-bit
- Linux: RPM 64-bit (Recommended)| RPM 32-bit
- Linux: DEB ARM32-bit (Unsupported)| DEB ARM64-bit (Unsupported)
- Linux: non-DEB/RPM [help]
- [New][Blocker][Address Bar] Add information on blocked sites in shield icon popup (VB-64868)
- [Blocker] Shield icon state issues (VB-58974)
- [Blocker] Site’s favicon on the tab disappears (VB-64760)
- [Geolocation] Switch provider from MLS to Combain (VB-64414)
- [Popout Video] Button does not work on nicovideo.jp (VB-64392)
- [Popout Video] Button not visible on Prime (VB-64992)
- [Settings] Wrong focus highlighting on some sections (VB-46024)
- [Spatial Navigation] Wrong coordinates on HiDPI screens (VB-63938)
- A few popup arrows broken: extension missing; search field misaligned (VB-64828)
- Upgraded Chromium to 81.0.4044.74
Main photo by Ximena Ibañez