Known Issues
- Tab-tiling breaks various features of Vivaldi: e.g. Find in page (VB-51831)
- The text input field on google.com is misaligned after arriving via redirect: Appears to be related to detection of our user agent (VB-51893)
Download (1525.4)
- Windows: 64-bit for Win7+ | 32-bit for Win7+
- macOS: 10.10+
- Linux: DEB 64-bit (Recommended) | DEB 32-bit
- Linux: RPM 64-bit (Recommended) | RPM 32-bit
- Linux: DEB ARM32-bit (Unsupported) | DEB ARM64-bit (Unsupported)
- Linux: non-DEB/RPM [help]
- [Regression] “Add Active Tab” in bookmark folder missing VB-40035
- [Regression] Bookmarks are gone after update VB-51758
- [Regression] Can not use backspace in Homepage settings VB-51843
- [Regression] Find-in-page word counter can be overlapped by search text VB-51939
- [Regression][Extensions] Menu doesn’t completely appear after visiting extension settings VB-51933
- [Regression][Speed Dial] Animation of updating thumbnails don’t show VB-51746
- [Regression][Sync] Sometimes sync ends up in a non confirmed state VB-51943
- [Regression][Mac] Users are not prompted for upgrade automatically VB-52060
- [Regression][Win][Linux] Vivaldi icon becomes invisible when tab bar is not displayed VB-51847
- [Address Bar] Typed search history widths are bit off VB-51950
- [Address Bar] Sluggish with history set to forever VB-51937
- [Address Bar] Scheme is lost when loading URL for second time VB-51547
- [Keyboard] Untile Tabs Shortcut Does not work on a selection VB-47613
- [Keyboard] Change strings “Move active tab left/right” for vertical tab bar VB-39916
- [Linux][Media] Proprietary media help is not useful on Debian systems that do not have cURL installed VB-52158
- [Mac] No context menu inside folders on bookmarks bar VB-52030
- [Mac] Confirm dialog when closing window with several tabs not implemented VB-49217
- [Mac] Vivaldi cannot switch language properly VB-51874
- [Menus] Option “View → Show status bar” does not have check icon (when enabled) VB-49481
- [Mouse gesture] settings listbox reduces its size to content VB-52070
- [Reader] Button is not shown on session restore VB-47244
- [Speed Dial] Add search engine favicon to search box VB-51081
- [Settings] Option to disable domain expansion VB-32435
- [Settings] Strings for reader mode overflow in some languages VB-50986
- [Sync] Fix the formatting of countdown component VB-51196
- [Sync] Allow login with Vivaldi email address VB-47390
- [Tabs] Active tiled tab blinks when switching tabs VB-50220
- [Tabs] When pushing tabs to the edge, do not pad tab stack indicators VB-51945
- [Tabs] New tab button can react while not adding a tab VB-51436
- [Tabs] Focus issue for zoom in tiled tabs VB-21832
- [UI] Vivaldi exited in fullscreen starts up in fullscreen VB-50083
- Upgraded Chromium to 74.0.3729.113
Main photo by Pixabay