Tab selection
Tab selection can be used to perform actions against a group of tabs, such as stacking, closing, moving, reloading, tiling, bookmarking, etc. Before it was only possible via the mouse in combination with modifier keys. Now we have added several new commands, to select the previous, next and related (same domain) tabs. Out of the box you can use these commands in Quick Commands, but if you would prefer a keyboard shortcut or mouse gesture you can configure them in preferences.
Download (1503.4)
- Windows: 64-bit for Win7+ | 32-bit for Win7+
- macOS: 10.10+
- Linux: DEB 64-bit (Recommended) | DEB 32-bit
- Linux: RPM 64-bit (Recommended) | RPM 32-bit
- Linux: DEB ARM32-bit (Unsupported) | DEB ARM64-bit (Unsupported)
- Linux: non-DEB/RPM [help]
- [New][Quick Commands][Keyboard][Gestures] Select tab options (VB-13543)
- [Regression] No print preview (VB-48691)
- [Regression] Popup address field styling is off (VB-51260)
- [Regression] Tab drag and drop is confined to tab strip (VB-51203)
- [Regression] Address field selection lost when switching tabs (VB-51455)
- [Regression] Different capture icon size on snapshot (VB-51362)
- [Regression] Add bookmark dialog could be displayed in the wrong place (VB-51540)
- [Regression][Quick Commands] Right arrow key working (VB-51225)
- [Regression][macOS] Disabling Mouse and Rocker Gestures breaks right-click on extension button (VB-50637)
- [Regression][Windows][macOS] Can’t play video on dailymotion.com: DM is still blocking us by User Agent on some videos (VB-51363)
- [Quick Commands][Calculator] Fix an issue with outputting -0; Tuck item hint to right side; Fix copied calculation string; Allow operators and constants in calculator; Relax filters for parser; Allow superscript numbers as exponent; Enter to copy text for calculator
- [Quick Commands] Show Favicon for URL (VB-51240)
- [Bookmarks] Bar menu uses the wrong icons (VB-51378)
- [Bookmarks] Status bar not updated when hovering bar menu items (VB-51452)
- [Keyboard] Assigning a shortcut to an extension does work: a further fix is needed for built-in extension shortcuts (VB-14668)
- [Windows][Linux] Profile icon visible when full screen on Start Page (VB-51439)
- [Windows][Linux] Favicon gets squished by close button in small tab (VB-51346)
- [Linux] New installs do not play proprietary media on a fully updated system (VB-51375)
- Delete active download inactive after pausing download (VB-51006)
- Cut/Paste does not work properly between windows (VB-51247)
- Correct fallback color for the capture button graphic (VB-51542)
Main photo by Clem Onojeghuo